Two revised Excer process flowsheets are presented for the production of UF4 from urnayl nitrate solution. In both, the uranium is sorbed on a cation-exchange resin and eluted with aqueous HF. In one, the resulting UO2F2 in dilute HF is mixed with dilute sulfuric or hydrochloric acid and electrolytically reduced in a cation-exchange-membrane cell, and the precipitated UF4·0.75H2O is dried and dehydrated to anhydrous UF4. A cost of 20¢ per pound of reduced uranium is estimated. In the other, ammonium fluoride is also added to the uranyl fluoride solution before the electrolytic reduction step, and the precipitate is UF4·04NH4F. A …
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Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL-1979
Two revised Excer process flowsheets are presented for the production of UF4 from urnayl nitrate solution. In both, the uranium is sorbed on a cation-exchange resin and eluted with aqueous HF. In one, the resulting UO2F2 in dilute HF is mixed with dilute sulfuric or hydrochloric acid and electrolytically reduced in a cation-exchange-membrane cell, and the precipitated UF4·0.75H2O is dried and dehydrated to anhydrous UF4. A cost of 20¢ per pound of reduced uranium is estimated. In the other, ammonium fluoride is also added to the uranyl fluoride solution before the electrolytic reduction step, and the precipitate is UF4·04NH4F. A flowsheet for preparing UF4 from raw ore is also shown. The uranium is sorbed on an anion-exchange resin from a sulfuric acid leach liquor and eluted with dilute HCl. Ammonium fluoride and HF are added to the UO2Cl2-HCl solution before the uranyl ion is electrolytically reduced to precipitate UF4·0.4NH4F. Decontamination factors as high as 45 and 9 for gross beta and gamma activities and of 10 to 5000 for light metal impurities were obtained in the electrolytic reduction step.
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TRAIL Microcard Collection
Imaged from microcard, these technical reports describe research performed for U.S. government agencies from the 1930s to the 1960s. The reports were provided by the Technical Report Archive and Image Library (TRAIL).
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