An ion-exchange -- polarographic method was developed for the determination of iron(III) in Homogeneous Reactor Fuels. Copper, which interferes, is removed from the fuel by plating it onto a cadmium coil. Iron is oxidized to iron(III) by potassium permanganate, and the iron(III) is separated from interfering metal ions by ion exchange on a Dowex 1 resin column that is in the sulfate form. The iron(III) in the effluent is determined polarographically in 0.5 M sodium citrate solution as supporting electrolyte. A fairly well defined polarographic wave is obtained for the iron(III) → iron(II) reduction at a half-wave potential of approximately …
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Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL-1954
An ion-exchange -- polarographic method was developed for the determination of iron(III) in Homogeneous Reactor Fuels. Copper, which interferes, is removed from the fuel by plating it onto a cadmium coil. Iron is oxidized to iron(III) by potassium permanganate, and the iron(III) is separated from interfering metal ions by ion exchange on a Dowex 1 resin column that is in the sulfate form. The iron(III) in the effluent is determined polarographically in 0.5 M sodium citrate solution as supporting electrolyte. A fairly well defined polarographic wave is obtained for the iron(III) → iron(II) reduction at a half-wave potential of approximately -0.15 v. vs. the S.C.E. The relative standard deviation of the data for 2 µg of iron(III) per ml of solution in the polarographic cell was 6.5%; for 10 µg of iron(III) per ml it was 0.6%.
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TRAIL Microcard Collection
Imaged from microcard, these technical reports describe research performed for U.S. government agencies from the 1930s to the 1960s. The reports were provided by the Technical Report Archive and Image Library (TRAIL).
The Technical Report Archive & Image Library (TRAIL) identifies, acquires, catalogs, digitizes and provides unrestricted access to U.S. government agency technical reports. The mission of TRAIL is to ensure preservation, discoverability, and persistent open access to government technical publications regardless of form or format.
Horton, A. D.; Thomason, P. F. & Raaen, H. P.Determination of Corrosion Products and Additives in Homogeneous Reactor Fuel III. Polarographic Determination of Iron(III),
October 24, 1955;
Washington D.C..
accessed September 16, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.