Gram amounts of americium were separated quantitatively from kilogram quantities of lanthanum to yield an americium product approaching 90% purity. The remaining impurity was chiefly yttrium. Elution of americium from 25% loaded Dowex 50 resin column with 0.15 M citric acid— 0.10 M diammonium citrate — 0.3 M ammonium nitrate, pH 3.3 gave a product containing 99% of the americium with a La/Am ratio of 1/100 or less in one fourth of a column volume, in this case about 1 100-fold volume reduction. Approximately 9 g of americium was purified by this method. Elution with 12.8 M hydrochloric acid from …
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Oak Ridge National Laboratory Report ORNL-1855
Gram amounts of americium were separated quantitatively from kilogram quantities of lanthanum to yield an americium product approaching 90% purity. The remaining impurity was chiefly yttrium. Elution of americium from 25% loaded Dowex 50 resin column with 0.15 M citric acid— 0.10 M diammonium citrate — 0.3 M ammonium nitrate, pH 3.3 gave a product containing 99% of the americium with a La/Am ratio of 1/100 or less in one fourth of a column volume, in this case about 1 100-fold volume reduction. Approximately 9 g of americium was purified by this method. Elution with 12.8 M hydrochloric acid from a 20 to 30% loaded column gave 90% of the americium in two column volumes of product with a La/Am ratio of about 1/4. About 1 g of americium was purified by this method.
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TRAIL Microcard Collection
Imaged from microcard, these technical reports describe research performed for U.S. government agencies from the 1930s to the 1960s. The reports were provided by the Technical Report Archive and Image Library (TRAIL).
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