["Poets N' Jazz Number #3" featuring SE7EN tape 1 of 2]
Video recording from The Black Academy of Arts and Letters recorded during "Poets N' Jazz #3" featuring poet SE7EN over the weekend of April 13-14th 2012 at the Clarence Muse Café Theatre. The footage shows the two opening poets followed by the introduction of SE7EN at the 28:02 minute mark. SE7EN performs and speaks along with comedic interactions with the audience.
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Video recording from The Black Academy of Arts and Letters recorded during "Poets N' Jazz #3" featuring poet SE7EN over the weekend of April 13-14th 2012 at the Clarence Muse Café Theatre. The footage shows the two opening poets followed by the introduction of SE7EN at the 28:02 minute mark. SE7EN performs and speaks along with comedic interactions with the audience.
Preferred Citation:
The Black Academy of Arts and Letters Records (AR0797), University of North Texas Special Collections
This video is part of the following collection of related materials.
The Black Academy of Arts and Letters Records
Event photographs from the Black Academy of Arts and Letters, Incorporated (TBAAL), a Dallas-based nonprofit. Some items in this collection are restricted to use by the UNT community.