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Role of ribosomal RNA released from red cells in blood coagulation in zebrafish and humans

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This article identifies that an rRNA released in hemolysis activates clotting in human and zebrafish plasma. Furthermore, it shows that fish Hgfac plays a role in rRNA-mediated activation of coagulation.

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14 p.

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Alharbi, Abdulmajeed; Iyer, Neha; Al Qaryoute, Ayah; Raman, Revathi; Burks, David J.; Azad, Rajeev K. et al. November 17, 2021.


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This article identifies that an rRNA released in hemolysis activates clotting in human and zebrafish plasma. Furthermore, it shows that fish Hgfac plays a role in rRNA-mediated activation of coagulation.

Physical Description

14 p.


Abstract: Hemolytic disorders are characterized by hemolysis and are prone to thrombosis. It has previously been shown that the RNA released from damaged blood cells activates clotting. However, the nature of the RNA released from hemolysis is still elusive. We found that after hemolysis, red blood cells from both zebrafish and humans released RNA that contained mostly 5.8S ribosomal RNA (5.8S rRNA), This RNA activated coagulation in zebrafish and human plasmas. By using both natural and synthetic 5.8S rRNA and its truncated fragments, we found that the 3'-end 26-nucleotide-long RNA (3'-26 RNA) and its stem-loop secondary structure were necessary and sufficient for clotting activity. Corn trypsin inhibitor (CTI), a coagulation factor XII (FXII) inhibitor, blocked 3'-26 RNA–mediated coagulation activation in the plasma of both zebrafish and humans. CTI also inhibited zebrafish coagulation in vivo. 5.8S rRNA monoclonal antibody inhibited both 5.8S rRNA– and 3'-26 RNA–mediated zebrafish coagulation activity. Both 5.8S rRNA and 3'-26 RNA activated normal human plasma but did not activate FXII-deficient human plasma. Taken together, these results suggested that the activation of zebrafish plasma is via an FXII-like protein. Because zebrafish have no FXII and because hepatocyte growth factor activator (Hgfac) has sequence similarities to FXII, we knocked down the hgfac in adult zebrafish. We found that plasma from this knockdown fish does not respond to 3'-26 RNA. To summarize, we identified that an rRNA released in hemolysis activates clotting in human and zebrafish plasma. Furthermore, we showed that fish Hgfac plays a role in rRNA-mediated activation of coagulation.

Key Points: Hemolysis releases 5.8S rRNA and activates blood coagulation in human and zebrafish via FXII and Hgfac, respectively.
Only the 3'-end 26 nucleotides of 5.8S rRNA were necessary and sufficient for this activation.


  • Blood Advances, 5(22), American Society of Hematology, November 17, 2021, pp. 1-14


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  • Publication Title: Blood Advances
  • Volume: 5
  • Issue: 22
  • Page Start: 4634
  • Page End: 4647
  • Peer Reviewed: Yes


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  • November 17, 2021

Added to The UNT Digital Library

  • Jan. 14, 2022, 4:33 p.m.

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  • Nov. 20, 2023, 1:38 p.m.

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Alharbi, Abdulmajeed; Iyer, Neha; Al Qaryoute, Ayah; Raman, Revathi; Burks, David J.; Azad, Rajeev K. et al. Role of ribosomal RNA released from red cells in blood coagulation in zebrafish and humans, article, November 17, 2021; ( accessed February 19, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT College of Science.

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