Elicitation of common nouns including body parts, family members, household items, clothing, and the natural world, and question words. Kushal Singh helps translate. Recorded in the Altodi Raji hamlet.
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UNT College of Information
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Elicitation of common nouns including body parts, family members, household items, clothing, and the natural world, and question words. Kushal Singh helps translate. Recorded in the Altodi Raji hamlet.
This recording is part of the following collections of related materials.
Raji Language Resource
This collection includes photographs, audio recordings, and handwritten field notes taken by Dr. Kavita Rastogi during field trips to Altodi, Jamtadi, Kimkhola Raji hamlets from 1998 to 2008. Word lists and field notes represent different semantic domains, sentence types, conversations and traditional narratives. Photographs demonstrate traditional ways of life in Raji villages like fish trapping, wood gathering, and jewelry making.
The Computational Resource for South Asian Languages (CoRSAL) is a digital archive for source audio, video, and text on the minority languages of South Asia.