Abstract: The University of North Texas (UNT) has had mandatory ETDs since fall 1999, one of the longest running ETD programs in the US. In addition to the institutional repository, UNT has a mandatory ProQuest (PQ) deposit requirement for its ETDs. Because UNT does not have an online submission process, students who wish to restrict the PQ copy of their ETD must either select the correct boxes on the PQ form or contact PQ directly. This occurs separate and independent from the institutional embargo. UNT restricted ETDs will be compared to their availability in the PQ database, from ETD program inception (fall 1999) to present. First, we wish to see whether students who restrict access to the IR copy also restrict access to the PQ copy, and vice versa. Second, we will look at whether restriction rates for both the IR copy and the PQ copy vary according to policy changes at the institution and at PQ, and in what way. Granular analysis, at the level of academic discipline, type of degree, student nationality and other factors, will be attempted, to uncover trends in how embargoes in both places function in real time. Additionally, we will also be investigating whether student authors who had requested UNT and/or PQ restriction during this same time frame, fall 1999 to present (spring 2013) have any peer-reviewed publications since their graduation. Type of degree, academic discipline, length of time to publication, among other attributes will be tracked and analyzed.