Exploration of Information Organization in Language Archives
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This article reports preliminary results of the first stage of a research project that seeks to identify the information organization methods and techniques currently offered in the language data archives and the gaps between the tools and techniques available and the needs of actual and potential users of language data archives.
Situated at the intersection of people, technology, and information, the College of Information's faculty, staff and students invest in innovative research, collaborative partnerships, and student-centered education to serve a global information society. The college offers programs of study in information science, learning technologies, and linguistics.
This article reports preliminary results of the first stage of a research project that seeks to identify the information organization methods and techniques currently offered in the language data archives and the gaps between the tools and techniques available and the needs of actual and potential users of language data archives.
Physical Description
4 p.
Abstract: This submission reports preliminary results of the first stage of a research project that seeks to identify the information organization methods and techniques currently offered in the language data archives and the gaps between the tools and techniques available and the needs of actual and potential users of language data archives. We conducted an exploratory content analysis of the websites of the language archives (LAs) hosted by the institutions located in the United States and several other countries. The focus of our exploratory content analysis is on the information organization, including documentation on metadata standards, displaying of individual metadata records and availability of harvesting sets of metadata records, provision of advanced discovery and navigation options powered by metadata such as availability of adaptive and personalized search or social tagging functionality. Here, we report our preliminary findings and describe our plan for Stage 2 of the project.
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Presentation based on the preliminary results of research into information organization in language archives. This looks at the background of language data and archives, their research questions, archives that were analyzed, their findings, and next steps.