FCC Record, Volume 27, No. 18, Pages 14770 to 15765, November 26 - December 13, 2012 Page: 15,402
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Federal Communications Commission FCC 12-144
Before the
Federal Communications Commission
In the Matter of )
Creation of a Low Power Radio Service ) MM Docket No. 99-25
Amendment of Service and Eligibility Rules for ) MB Docket No. 07-172, RM 11338
FM Broadcast Translator Stations )
Adopted: November 30, 2012 Released: December 4, 2012
By the Commission: Chairman Genachowski and Commissioners McDowell, Clyburn, Rosenworcel and
Pai issuing separate statements.
Heading Paragraph #
I. IN TROD U CTIO N ............................................................................................................................ 1
II. FIFTH ORDER ON RECONSIDERATION .....................................................................2
A. Background....................................................... .2
1. Rationale for the Translator Application Caps .................................................4
2. Petitions for Reconsideration..........................................................14
3. Responsive Pleadings ................................................................. . .................. 22
B. Discussion. ......................................................................25
1. M arket Definitions ............................................ ......................................26
2. Notice of Appendix A Per-Market Cap Proposal...................................... .......31
3. The National Cap of 50 Applications...............................................34
4. The Need for a Per-Market Cap...................................................................42
5. Revision of the Per-Market Cap......... ....... ........ .......................... ..46
III. SIXTH REPORT AND ORDER ....................................................................................................... 69
A. Waiver of Second-Adjacent Channel Minimum Distance Separation Requirements....................... 72
B. Third-Adjacent Channel Interference Complaints and Remediation......................................... 86
1. LPFM Interference Protection and Remediation Requirements........................................... 87
2. Regime Applicable to Section 7(1) Stations.......................... 96
3. Regime Applicable to Other LPFM Stations................................ 101
4. Additional Interference Protection and Remediation Obligations......................... 121
C. Protection of Translator Input Signals ........................................ 124
D. Other Rule Changes .............................. ....... ......... ...... .......................................... 133
1. Eligibility and Ownership.............................. ... ................................ ..........................134
a. Requirement That Applicants Be Local.......... ............................... 34
b. Cross-Ownership of LPFM and FM Translator Stations ................................................ 137
c. Ownership Issues Affecting Tribal Nations......................................................... 144
d. Ownership of Student-run Stations ........................................ 158
2. Selection Among Mutually Exclusive Applicants................................................................. 161
a. Point System Structure, and Elimination of Proposed Operating Hours Criterion......... 163
b. Established Community Presence... ...................................... ........................... 168
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United States. Federal Communications Commission. FCC Record, Volume 27, No. 18, Pages 14770 to 15765, November 26 - December 13, 2012, book, December 2012; Washington D.C.. (https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc171133/m1/648/: accessed February 13, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.