[Binder's Collection: A. Worrell]
Bound compilation of sheet music from the collection of Thurman Morrison, presumably compiled by Ann Worrell, whose name is inscribed on multiple works within the volume. The vast majority of titles in this collection were published in Philadelphia, and the remainder in Baltimore, between 1796 and 1830. A number of items have themes related to Scotland, along with several works about soldiers. Composers Michael Kelly, Joseph Mazinghi, John Stevenson, and Thomas H. Thompson are most prominent, with three works each, and Thomas Moore was the lyricist for four works. George Willig, G.E. Blake, and various iterations of the Carr publishing … continued below
Physical Description
156 p. ; 34 cm.
Creation Information
Worrell, Ann 1796/1830.
This score is part of the collection entitled: UNT Music Library General Collection and was provided by the UNT Music Library to the UNT Digital Library, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 53 times. More information about this score can be viewed below.
People and organizations associated with either the creation of this score or its content.
- Worrell, Ann Presumptive compiler, whose name is written multiple times in the volume. Stylized handwriting in the first appearance looks like "Wozzell," but later appearances confirm the spelling of "Worrell."
- Bray, John, 1782-1822 arranger of The violet girl, the twenty-ninth selection in M1619.W73.
- Kelly, Michael, 1762-1826 composer of The wood pecker, Tell me soldier, and Come away my soldier, the seventh, ninth, and seventeenth selections in M1619.W73.
- Mazzinghi, Joseph, 1765-1844 composer of Thro' icy vallies, Lochinvar, and The gale of love, the fifth, twenty-first, and twenty-second selections in M1619.W73.
- Stevenson, John, 1761-1833 composer of Love my Mary dwells with thee, The meeting of the waters, and Music, the second, twenty-sixth, and thirtieth selections in M1619.W73.
- Thompson, Thomas H., b. 1777 composer of Kate Kearney, The red red rose, and Now at moonlight's fairy hour, the twelfth, fifteenth, and twenty-seventh selections in M1619.W73.
- Hook, Mr. (James), 1746-1827 composer of The garland of love and Oh wander no more from me my love, the fourteenth and thirty-second selections in M1619.W73.
- King, M. P. (Matthew Peter), 1773-1823 composer of The young son of chivalry and Sigh not for love, the thirteenth and twentieth selections in M1619.W73.
- Arne, Thomas Augustine, 1710-1778 composer of How cheerful along the gay mead, the twenty-third selection in M1619.W73.
- Arnold, Samuel, 1740-1802 composer of The way worn traveller, the nineteenth selection in M1619.W73.
- Braham, John, 1774-1856 composer of The love letter, the thirty-first selection in M1619.W73.
- Camaroth, R. S. composer of Blighted love shall never blow, the thirty-fifth selection in M1619.W73.
- Giardini, Felice, 1716-1796 composer of The much admired madrigal, the sixteenth selection in M1619.W73.
- Hutton, Joseph, 1787-1828 composer of Perry's victory, the twenty-eighth selection in M1619.W73.
- Jackson, G. K. (George Knowil), 1757?-1822 composer of One kind kiss, the eighth selection in M1619.W73.
- Meineke, C. (Christopher), 1782-1850 composer of The light house, the eighteenth selection in M1619.W73.
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791 composer of the source material (The Magic Flute) for The resolution, the sixth selection in M1619.W73.
- Ross, John, 1763-1837 composer of When I rov'd a young highlander o'er the dark heath, the first selection in M1619.W73.
- Sanderson, James, 1769-1841? composer of March & chorus in the dramatic romance of The lady of the lake, the twenty-fourth selection in M1619.W73.
- Smith, Robert Archibald, 1780-1829 composer of Jessie the flow'r o' Dumblane, the thirty-third selection in M1619.W73.
- Steibelt, Daniel, 1765-1823 composer of The violet girl, the twenty-ninth selection in M1619.W73.
- Whitaker, John, 1776-1847 composer of Paddy Cay's fortune, or Irish promotion, the fourth selection in M1619.W73.
- Gray, G. (George) composer of I have a heart, the thirty-fourth selection in M1619.W73.
- Burns, Robert, 1759-1796 poet whose work was set in Highland Mary, the twenty-fifth selection in M1619.W73.
- Cavendish, Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of Devonshire, 1757-1806 poet whose work was set in Sweet is the vale, the eleventh selection in M1619.W73.
- Moore, Thomas, 1779-1852 lyricist for Love my Mary dwells with thee, The wood pecker, The light house, and Music, the second, seventh, eighteenth, and thirtieth selections in M1619.W73.
- Dimond, William, fl. 1800-1830 lyricist for Tell me soldier and Come away my soldier, the ninth and seventeenth selections in M1619.W73.
- Reynolds, Frederick, 1764-1841 librettist for Thro' icy vallies and The gale of love, the fifth and twenty-second selections in M1619.W73.
- Scott, Walter, 1771-1832 poet whose work was set in Lochinvar, and March & chorus in the dramatic romance of The lady of the lake , the twenty-first and twenty-fourth selections in M1619.W73.
- Arnold, Samuel James, 1774-1852 lyricist for The young son of chivalry, the thirteenth selection in M1619.W73.
- Burns, Robert, 1759-1796 poet whose work was set in The red red rose, the fifteenth selection in M1619.W73.
- Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824 poet whose work was set in When I rov'd a young highlander o'er the dark heath, the first selection in M1619.W73.
- Camões, Luís de, 1524?-1580 author of original lyrics for Blighted love shall never blow, the thirty-fifth selection in M1619.W73.
- Paddy Cay's fortune, or Irish promotion: a favorite comic song lyricist for Paddy Cay's fortune, or Irish promotion: a favorite comic song, the fourth selection in M1619.W73.
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 lyricist for The much admired madrigal, the sixteenth selection in M1619.W73.
- Lewes, John Lee lyricist for Kate Kearney, the twelfth selection in M1619.W73.
- Tannahill, Robert, 1774-1810 lyricist for Jessie the flow'r o' Dumblane, the thirty-third selection in M1619.W73.
- Wilmot, Mrs., fl. 1788-1812 performer of Come away my soldier and The violet girl, the seventeenth and twenty-ninth selections in M1619.W73.
- Webster, William, fl. 1800-1813 performer of Oh wander no more from me my love, the thirty-section selection in M1619.W73.
- Strangford, Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, Viscount, 1780-1855 translator of English lyrics for Blighted love shall never blow, the thirty-fifth selection in M1619.W73.
G.E. Blake
Publisher Info: publisher of When I rov'd a young highlander o'er the dark heath (1), Love my Mary dwells with thee (2), Paddy Cay's fortune, or Irish promotion (4), The garland of love (14), March & chorus in the dramatic romance of The lady of the lake (24), The meeting of the waters (26), and Now at moonlight's fairy hour (27) in M1619.W73.Place of Publication: Philadelphia
G.E. Blake
Publisher Info: publisher of Highland Mary (25) in M1619.W73.Place of Publication: Baltimore
G. Willig's Musical Magazine
Publisher Info: publisher of Thro' icy vallies (5), The red red rose (15), Sigh not for love (20), The gale of love (22), Perry's victory (28), and The violet girl (29) in M1619.W73.Place of Publication: Philadelphia
John Aitken
Publisher Info: publisher of One kind kiss (8), Will you come to the bower (10), Sweet is the vale (11), The love letter (31), Oh wander no more from me my love (32), and I have a heart (34) in M1619.W73.Place of Publication: Philadelphia
G. Willig
Publisher Info: publisher of The resolution (6), Tell me soldier (9), Kate Kearney (12), and Come away my soldier (17) in M1619.W73.Place of Publication: Philadelphia
J. Carr
Publisher Info: publisher of The wood pecker (7), The young son of chivalry (13), The much admired madrigal (16), How cheerful along the gay mead (23) in M1619.W73.Place of Publication: Baltimore
Carr's Music Store
Publisher Info: publisher of The light house (18) and Music (30) in M1619.W73.Place of Publication: Baltimore
A. Bacon
Publisher Info: publisher of Lovers, mother, I'll have none (3) in M1619.W73.Place of Publication: Philadelphia
Carr & Cos musical repository
Publisher Info: publisher of The way worn traveller (19) in M1619.W73.Place of Publication: Philadelphia
Carr & Schetky
Publisher Info: publisher of Lochinvar (21) in M1619.W73.Place of Publication: Philadelphia
J. Carr's Music Store
Publisher Info: publisher of Blighted love shall never blow (35) in M1619.W73.Place of Publication: Baltimore
T. De Silver
Publisher Info: publisher of Jessie the flow'r o' Dumblane (33) in M1619.W73.Place of Publication: Philadelphia
Provided By
UNT Music Library
The UNT Music Library supports the scholarly and performance research needs of the College of Music by collecting and preserving monographs, reference works, periodicals, printed music, and sound recording formats, as well as subscribing to electronic databases for research and streaming music. Special collections are a particular strength of the Music Library's holdings.
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Descriptive information to help identify this score. Follow the links below to find similar items on the Digital Library.
Bound compilation of sheet music from the collection of Thurman Morrison, presumably compiled by Ann Worrell, whose name is inscribed on multiple works within the volume. The vast majority of titles in this collection were published in Philadelphia, and the remainder in Baltimore, between 1796 and 1830. A number of items have themes related to Scotland, along with several works about soldiers. Composers Michael Kelly, Joseph Mazinghi, John Stevenson, and Thomas H. Thompson are most prominent, with three works each, and Thomas Moore was the lyricist for four works. George Willig, G.E. Blake, and various iterations of the Carr publishing company are the most prominent publishers in this volume.
Physical Description
156 p. ; 34 cm.
Bound together subsequent to publication.
Item Type
Unique identifying numbers for this score in the Digital Library or other systems.
- Call Number: M1619.W73
- OCLC: 37734259
- OCLC: 62136937
- OCLC: 57507343
- OCLC: 40941841
- OCLC: 1053361236
- OCLC: 37735931
- OCLC: 82007586
- OCLC: 68895853
- OCLC: 391494137
- OCLC: 37734671
- OCLC: 37734280
- OCLC: 399636980
- OCLC: 37734708
- OCLC: 37734730
- OCLC: 399625971
- OCLC: 399591842
- OCLC: 37735939
- OCLC: 37734287
- OCLC: 17716329
- OCLC: 37734609
- OCLC: 391052302
- OCLC: 391334815
- OCLC: 399631610
- OCLC: 391334899
- OCLC: 37735277
- OCLC: 37734647
- OCLC: 391334873
- OCLC: 37735545
- OCLC: 56748705
- OCLC: 83968183
- OCLC: 43243507
- OCLC: 391052238
- OCLC: 391052313
- OCLC: 391334847
- OCLC: 1049508459
- Archival Resource Key: ark:/67531/metadc1706036
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- Aug. 20, 2020, 9:08 p.m.
Description Last Updated
- Aug. 25, 2022, 3:41 a.m.
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Worrell, Ann. [Binder's Collection: A. Worrell], score, 1796/1830; Philadelphia. (https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc1706036/: accessed February 6, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu; crediting UNT Music Library.