Doctoral Lecture: 2016-03-21 – Michelle C. Flowers, trombone

One of 2,532 items in the series: Doctoral Recitals available on this site.
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  1. Flowers: Lecture 0:47:18


Lecture presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.

Physical Description

1 recording (47 min., 18 sec.)

Creation Information

Flowers, Michelle C. March 21, 2016.


This audio recording is part of the collection entitled: College of Music Recordings and was provided by the UNT Music Library to the UNT Digital Library, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 11 times. More information about this recording can be viewed below.


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UNT Music Library

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  • Main Title: Doctoral Lecture: 2016-03-21 – Michelle C. Flowers, trombone
  • Series Title: Lecture Recitals
  • Series Title: Doctoral Recitals
  • Added Title: Confronting the Enemy Within: An In-Depth Study of Psychological Self-Handicapping among Collegiate Musicians

Degree Information


Lecture presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.

Physical Description

1 recording (47 min., 18 sec.)


Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms

Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus

Library of Congress Subject Headings


Item Type


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This recording is part of the following collection of related materials.

College of Music Recordings

The College of Music Recordings include doctoral, ensemble, faculty, guest, and senior recitals from the UNT College of Music. Access to these recordings is restricted to the UNT community.

Related Items

Confronting the Enemy Within: An In-Depth Study on Psychological Self-Handicapping among Collegiate Musicians (Thesis or Dissertation)

Confronting the Enemy Within: An In-Depth Study on Psychological Self-Handicapping among Collegiate Musicians

Self-handicapping is a psychological behavior people engage in to protect their self-image, project a desired image to others, and to augment feelings of success and achievement. Self-handicapping occurs when individuals have a positive but uncertain self-image about their competence in an arena of life fundamental to their self-identity. Musicians have been underrepresented in self-handicapping studies; yet the very competitive nature of their education and craft, the strong identification musicians have as musicians, and the frequent challenges during all phases of development to their abilities would suggest they are extremely vulnerable to developing self-handicaps. This dissertation discusses the theoretical components of self-handicapping, the personality traits typically exhibited by high self-handicappers, causes, types, and possible motivations for self-handicapping, short and long term effects of the behavior, and the implications these concepts have to the musician community. In addition, it contains the results of an extensive survey of musicians which examines self-handicapping tendencies, depression, imposter phenomenon, and self-esteem ratings to determine 1) if musicians self-handicap, 2) how the four constructs are related to each other within the musician population, 3) if other factors concerning musicians and self-handicapping are related, 4) areas for future research. Several significant relationships involving the four constructs tested, as well as a significant difference between the self-handicapping behaviors of professional and amateur players were found. In addition, it contains the results of an extensive survey of musicians which examines self-handicapping tendencies, depression, imposter phenomenon, and self-esteem ratings to determine 1) if musicians self-handicap, 2) how the four constructs are related to each other within the musician population, 3) if other factors concerning musicians and self-handicapping are related, 4) areas for future research. Several significant relationships involving the four constructs tested, as well as a significant difference between the self-handicapping behaviors of professional and amateur players were found.

Relationship to this item: (Is Part Of)

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College of Music Program Book 2015-2016: Student Performances, Volume 1 (Book)

College of Music Program Book 2015-2016: Student Performances, Volume 1

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Relationship to this item: (Is Referenced By)

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Creation Date

  • March 21, 2016

Coverage Date

Added to The UNT Digital Library

  • Feb. 26, 2020, 9:48 p.m.

Description Last Updated

  • Feb. 22, 2024, 10:23 a.m.

Usage Statistics

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Yesterday: 0
Past 30 days: 0
Total Uses: 11


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  • 33.210701, -97.150088

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Flowers, Michelle C. Doctoral Lecture: 2016-03-21 – Michelle C. Flowers, trombone, audio recording, March 21, 2016; Denton, Texas. ( accessed September 17, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Music Library.

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