Aerial photograph of land area surrounding Denton County, Texas surveyed by the Texas Highway Department. Major streets include: Davidson Rd., Chapman Rd., and Indian Trail Rd.
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Aerial photograph of land area surrounding Denton County, Texas surveyed by the Texas Highway Department. Major streets include: Davidson Rd., Chapman Rd., and Indian Trail Rd.
This photograph is part of the following collection of related materials.
Denton County Aerial Photography Collection
Texas Highway Department aerial photographs of Denton County from 1958. Each photo represents a section of a larger map that covers all of Denton County.
Texas. Highway Department. Planning Survey Division.[Aerial Photograph of Denton County, DJR-1P-114],
September 17, 1958;
accessed November 2, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT Libraries Special Collections.