Live With It!

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Artist Statement from the MFA Exhibition: "I did everything right. I counted my carbs, meal prepped, and joined the high school volleyball team (For exercise of course. Heaven forbid it be for fun). All growing up, I always assumed that things would get so much easier when I stepped into adulthood. I would be comfortable in my body. Spoiler Alert, that didn’t happen. Before this starts to sound like a Judy Blume novel, let me explain. A shot of apple cider vinegar, 13 vitamins, gluten free diet, and portion control. These are all aspects of my routine that I dread … continued below

Physical Description

21 p. : ill.

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Deal, Lyndee May 2019.


This text is part of the collection entitled: UNT Graduate Student Works and was provided by the UNT College of Visual Arts + Design to the UNT Digital Library, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 154 times. More information about this text can be viewed below.


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  • Deal, Lyndee
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UNT College of Visual Arts + Design

The UNT College of Visual Arts and Design fosters creative futures for its diverse student population and the region through rigorous arts-based education, arts- and client-based studio practice, scholarship, and research. One of the most comprehensive visual arts schools in the nation, the college includes many nationally and regionally ranked programs.

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Artist Statement from the MFA Exhibition: "I did everything right. I counted my carbs, meal prepped, and joined the high school volleyball team (For exercise of course. Heaven forbid it be for fun). All growing up, I always assumed that things would get so much easier when I stepped into adulthood. I would be comfortable in my body. Spoiler Alert, that didn’t happen. Before this starts to sound like a Judy Blume novel, let me explain. A shot of apple cider vinegar, 13 vitamins, gluten free diet, and portion control. These are all aspects of my routine that I dread but they keep me going. The concept of routine as composition really resonated with me when I first made these dietary changes. Much like repeated elements in a composition, repeated elements in my routine are what keep me going, help me function, and make me a successful composition (or human, whatever you want to call it). So why do I get bogged down by the objects that are supposed to be helping me? As a woman who has been on some sort of diet since age 12, it was difficult to come to terms with the fact that your body is dependent on another object (or twenty) to fully function. By creating functional pieces specifically made to accompany these un enjoyable aspects, I intend to make the elements of my routine that I dread, something to look forward to."

Physical Description

21 p. : ill.


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This text is part of the following collection of related materials.

UNT Graduate Student Works

This collection houses graduate student works other than theses and dissertations. All materials have been previously accepted by a professional organization or approved by a faculty mentor. The collection includes, but is not limited to projects or problems in lieu of thesis, supplemental files associated with theses and dissertations, posters, recitals, presentations, articles, reviews, book chapters, exhibitions, and artwork. Some items in this collection are restricted to use by the UNT community.

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Face the Day Pill Tray: Curious (Detail) (Artwork)

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Work of art in stoneware, cone 7 oxidation, MDF, glitter, resin by artist Lyndee Deal as part of a 2019 MFA Exhibition, entitled "Live With It!"

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Creation Date

  • May 2019

Added to The UNT Digital Library

  • Aug. 29, 2019, 10:25 a.m.

Description Last Updated

  • April 28, 2023, 3:08 p.m.

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Deal, Lyndee. Live With It!, text, May 2019; Denton, Texas. ( accessed January 14, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT College of Visual Arts + Design.

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