Poster advertising a concert by Power Animal, Br'er, Geistheistler, and Kampfgrounds on Saturday, November 7, 2009, at Majestic Dwelling of Doom, Denton, Texas. Poster features hand-drawn text and an illustration of a man with big, unruly hair and beard and three inverted crosses on his forehead, in black ink on white paper. A speech bubble from the man's mouth reads, "Happy 30th Sloan!"
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Poster advertising a concert by Power Animal, Br'er, Geistheistler, and Kampfgrounds on Saturday, November 7, 2009, at Majestic Dwelling of Doom, Denton, Texas. Poster features hand-drawn text and an illustration of a man with big, unruly hair and beard and three inverted crosses on his forehead, in black ink on white paper. A speech bubble from the man's mouth reads, "Happy 30th Sloan!"