"A survey of the current theoretical picture of plasma containment in cusped magnetic configurations is presented together with a mention of the points of contact which exist or might soon be made to exist with experiment. A theory of containment was developed which is applicable to the whole range of plasma densities from a tenuous plasma in an essentially vacuum magnetic field to a fully developed plasma which completely excludes the magnetic field from its interior. Also presented are cursory accounts of the situation with regard to stability, cyclotron radiation, and methods of creating this type of plasma configuration."
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Added Title:
Atomic Energy Commission Report NYO-9496
"A survey of the current theoretical picture of plasma containment in cusped magnetic configurations is presented together with a mention of the points of contact which exist or might soon be made to exist with experiment. A theory of containment was developed which is applicable to the whole range of plasma densities from a tenuous plasma in an essentially vacuum magnetic field to a fully developed plasma which completely excludes the magnetic field from its interior. Also presented are cursory accounts of the situation with regard to stability, cyclotron radiation, and methods of creating this type of plasma configuration."
Physical Description
24 pages : illustrations
Digitized from microopaque cards (1).
AEC Research and Development Report, Contract AT(30-1)-1480.
"To appear in Progress in Nuclear Energy, Series XI, Pergamon Press."
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TRAIL Microcard Collection
Imaged from microcard, these technical reports describe research performed for U.S. government agencies from the 1930s to the 1960s. The reports were provided by the Technical Report Archive and Image Library (TRAIL).
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