Pu nitrate production was above revised forecast. 141 kCi Sr-90 was isolated in Purex and stored for decay; to date, 1190 kCi has been recovered from Purex wastes. Casks of Cs-137 and Sr-90 were turned over to AEC for ORNL. Production of UO{sub 3}, Pu metal buttons, and weapon component fabrication exceeded forecasts. Purex processing continued until April 14. The Purex neptunium campaign had low yield because of loss to waste system. The cartridge in the Purex co-decontamination column scrub section was replaced with a new design. After the Redox organic distillation pot was replaced, {gamma} activity in Redox recovered …
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Publisher Info:
General Electric Co., Richland, WA (United States). Hanford Atomic Products Operation
Place of Publication:
Richland, Washington
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Pu nitrate production was above revised forecast. 141 kCi Sr-90 was isolated in Purex and stored for decay; to date, 1190 kCi has been recovered from Purex wastes. Casks of Cs-137 and Sr-90 were turned over to AEC for ORNL. Production of UO{sub 3}, Pu metal buttons, and weapon component fabrication exceeded forecasts. Purex processing continued until April 14. The Purex neptunium campaign had low yield because of loss to waste system. The cartridge in the Purex co-decontamination column scrub section was replaced with a new design. After the Redox organic distillation pot was replaced, {gamma} activity in Redox recovered hexone increased 300 {times}; product quality returned to normal after the faulty steam traps were replaced. Fabricated parts underwent dimensional changes after machining and gaging; part dimensions have been altered to compensate. Design for the proposed caisson-lateral leak detection system was revised to contain 3 horizontal laterals beneath each tank and 7 vertical wells around each tank. A ratio exists between the Cs-137 in the coating waste solution and the total U in liquid and precipitate phases. (DLC)
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