The proposed operating conditions for fuel elements to be charged into the NPR require the fuel to be of an extended surface geometry and maintain adequate strength and corrosion resistance in 300 C water. A contract was let to Nuclear Metals Inc. to produce by co-extrusion lengths of fuel rod containing both natural and 1.6% enriched uranium of irradiation quality for fabrication into fuel elements. The fuel rods used in the irradiation test represent the first enriched uranium rods coextruded in 0.030 inches of Zircaloy-2 to be irradiated and examined at Hanford. The rods used for this test were fabricated …
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Publisher Info:
General Electric Co., Richland, WA (United States). Hanford Atomic Products Operation
Place of Publication:
Richland, Washington
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The proposed operating conditions for fuel elements to be charged into the NPR require the fuel to be of an extended surface geometry and maintain adequate strength and corrosion resistance in 300 C water. A contract was let to Nuclear Metals Inc. to produce by co-extrusion lengths of fuel rod containing both natural and 1.6% enriched uranium of irradiation quality for fabrication into fuel elements. The fuel rods used in the irradiation test represent the first enriched uranium rods coextruded in 0.030 inches of Zircaloy-2 to be irradiated and examined at Hanford. The rods used for this test were fabricated into four, 4 rod cluster fuel elements thus allowing adequate space between individual rods for expansion in the case of a fuel rod failure. This rod was of particular interest since it contained an irregular uranium-Zircaloy-2 interface. The purpose of the irradiation was to determine the dimensional stability of coextruded fuel rods and to determine whether the irregularity in the bond interface had any effect upon the irradiation performance of the fuel. Fuel elements were irradiated in 200 C water in the KER Loop 2 facility to an exposure of 0.28 a/o burnup (2,200 MWD/T). Post irradiation examination showed that each rod had increased an average of 0.008 inches in outside diameter and that macrocracks had formed throughout the uranium core. The uranium had also increased in length to fill 0.050 inch of space left between the end cap and uranium for thermal expansion and uranium growth. A metallurgical bond between the end cap and the uranium had been formed during the irradiation. There was no effect of the irregular interface on the dimensional stability of the fuel rods.
Physical Description
19 p.
OSTI as DE94015699; Paper copy available at OSTI: phone, 865-576-8401, or email,
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Claudson, T. T.Irradiation performance of coextruded enriched uranium fuel rod PT-IP-A172-A: Final report,
May 26, 1959;
Richland, Washington.
accessed September 8, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.