In this paper, the authors present a schema to build one way functions from a family of Boolean gates. Moreover, the authors relate characteristics of these Boolean gate truth tables to properties of the derived one-way functions.
The UNT College of Engineering strives to educate and train engineers and technologists who have the vision to recognize and solve the problems of society. The college comprises six degree-granting departments of instruction and research.
In this paper, the authors present a schema to build one way functions from a family of Boolean gates. Moreover, the authors relate characteristics of these Boolean gate truth tables to properties of the derived one-way functions.
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Abstract: In this paper, the authors present a schema to build one way functions from a family of Boolean gates. Moreover, the authors relate characteristics of these Boolean gate truth tables to properties of the derived one-way functions. The authors believe this to be the first attempt at establishing cryptographic properties from the Boolean cube spaces of the component gates. This schema is then used to build a family of compression functions, which in turn can be used to get block encryption and hash functions. These functions are based on reconfigurable gates. The authors prove cryptographically relevant properties for these function implementations. Various applications incorporating these one-way functions, specifically memory integrity in processor architecture, are presented.
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Gomathisankaran, Mahadevan & Tyagi, Akhilesh.Relating Boolean Gate Truth Tables to One-Way Functions,
March 3, 2008;
[New Rochelle, New York].
accessed September 12, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT College of Engineering.