The in-line monitoring instruments installed in the Redox plant in the late 1950s consisted of six gamma monitors, a single channel gamma spectrometer, an alpha monitor, and a neutron counter. A gamma monitor on the steam condensate outlet line and a uranium monitor on the 2DFS stream were to be added at a later date. The first section of this information manual describes the in-line gamma monitors and gives operating instructions for them. The second section covers the alpha monitor, and the third section the neutron counter. Sections on the uranium monitor and the steam header gamma monitor were to …
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Publisher Info:
General Electric Co., Richland, WA (United States). Hanford Atomic Products Operation
Place of Publication:
Richland, Washington
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The in-line monitoring instruments installed in the Redox plant in the late 1950s consisted of six gamma monitors, a single channel gamma spectrometer, an alpha monitor, and a neutron counter. A gamma monitor on the steam condensate outlet line and a uranium monitor on the 2DFS stream were to be added at a later date. The first section of this information manual describes the in-line gamma monitors and gives operating instructions for them. The second section covers the alpha monitor, and the third section the neutron counter. Sections on the uranium monitor and the steam header gamma monitor were to be added at a later date.
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Erlandson, O. D.Redox in-line monitoring instruments information manual,
March 25, 1959;
Richland, Washington.
accessed September 15, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.