During the 18-year history of Hanford operations, a high degree of safety has been provided at reasonable cost by the storage of high-activity liquid wastes in underground tanks, by the percolation of low-activity liquid wastes (principally water) through the soil to the ground water, and by the adsorption or filtration of radioactive materials from gaseous effluents prior to their discharge to the atmosphere. Studies of the Hanford area indicate that current practices could be continued almost indefinitely without jeopardizing environmental safety, provided the stored liquid wastes are periodically transferred to new tanks before the existing ones fail. In 1960, a …
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Publisher Info:
General Electric Co., Richland, WA (United States). Hanford Atomic Products Operation
Place of Publication:
Richland, Washington
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During the 18-year history of Hanford operations, a high degree of safety has been provided at reasonable cost by the storage of high-activity liquid wastes in underground tanks, by the percolation of low-activity liquid wastes (principally water) through the soil to the ground water, and by the adsorption or filtration of radioactive materials from gaseous effluents prior to their discharge to the atmosphere. Studies of the Hanford area indicate that current practices could be continued almost indefinitely without jeopardizing environmental safety, provided the stored liquid wastes are periodically transferred to new tanks before the existing ones fail. In 1960, a Fission Product Recovery Program was prepared outlining a plan to meet the Atomic Energy Commission`s needs for isolated fission products. Emphasis was placed on developing processes for isolating selected fission products and on providing interim production capability for recovering the fission products of immediate interest. In 1961, development efforts were channeled almost exclusively toward meeting the immediate needs of the Commission for separated strontium-90 and cesium-137. During this time, it became increasingly evident that substantial economies could be realized, both in immediate development and subsequent operating efforts, if the separate fission product recovery and waste management programs were merged. The integration of these programs was therefore effected, as described in the 1962 Waste Management Program. This document describes the current status and goals of the integrated program.
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Tomlinson, R. E.Waste Management Program: Chemical Processing Department,
February 25, 1963;
Richland, Washington.
accessed September 16, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu;
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