3D dataset model of a xylographic woodblock containing pages 31-32 of "An Illustrated Explanation of Miraculous Response Appended to the Heart Sutra and Diamond Sutra," an ancient Buddhist text published by Zhu Xuzeng 朱續曾 in 1798. The woodblock is one of 37 held by the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Library Special Collections. The block contains 8 lines per half page , 15 characters per line, white block-heart, double borders, a single fish tail (8 行 15 字, 白口, 左右雙邊, 單黑魚尾)
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Main Title:
[Dataset: Jin gang jing xin jing gan ying tu shuo 金剛經心經感應圖說 pp. 31-32]
Alternate Title:
[Dataset: An Illustrated Explanation of Miraculous Response Appended to the Heart Sutra and Diamond Sutra] pp. 31-32
3D dataset model of a xylographic woodblock containing pages 31-32 of "An Illustrated Explanation of Miraculous Response Appended to the Heart Sutra and Diamond Sutra," an ancient Buddhist text published by Zhu Xuzeng 朱續曾 in 1798. The woodblock is one of 37 held by the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Library Special Collections. The block contains 8 lines per half page , 15 characters per line, white block-heart, double borders, a single fish tail (8 行 15 字, 白口, 左右雙邊, 單黑魚尾)
Preferred Citation:
Dataset courtesy of UCLA Libraries Special Collections and 3Dhotbed
This dataset is part of the following collection of related materials.
3Dhotbed: 3D Printed History of the Book Teaching Tools
Downloadable datasets for 3D-printing models used in book history instruction. Includes the complete teaching tool set as well as individual pieces such as a punch, a matrix, an adjustable hand mould, and an individual piece of type with an attached or removable jet.