"Heat production resulting from the absorption of gamma ray photons in thermal shields and the leakage of neutrons and photons from ferritic thermal shields are investigated. The gamma rays considered arise from three types of reactor radiation -- thermal neutrons, fast neutrons, and core and reflector gammas. The energy spectra of the fast neutron leakage and absorption have been investigated in some detail because of the significant contribution of fast neutrons to the heating of the concrete biological shield."
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Added Title:
North American Aviation Report NAA-SR-942
"Heat production resulting from the absorption of gamma ray photons in thermal shields and the leakage of neutrons and photons from ferritic thermal shields are investigated. The gamma rays considered arise from three types of reactor radiation -- thermal neutrons, fast neutrons, and core and reflector gammas. The energy spectra of the fast neutron leakage and absorption have been investigated in some detail because of the significant contribution of fast neutrons to the heating of the concrete biological shield."
This report is part of the following collections of related materials.
TRAIL Microcard Collection
Imaged from microcard, these technical reports describe research performed for U.S. government agencies from the 1930s to the 1960s. The reports were provided by the Technical Report Archive and Image Library (TRAIL).
The Technical Report Archive & Image Library (TRAIL) identifies, acquires, catalogs, digitizes and provides unrestricted access to U.S. government agency technical reports. The mission of TRAIL is to ensure preservation, discoverability, and persistent open access to government technical publications regardless of form or format.