In-Reactor Autoclave Corrosion Studies : LITR I. Outline of Methods and Procedures

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During the development of in-reactor corrosion experiments three types of bomb designs have been developed for following quantitatively the consumption of oxygen in a bomb which is fabricated from the particular metal under test. The bombs are designed so as to be rocked continuously during their in-reactor exposure, consequently agitating the uranium salt solution contained in the bomb and permitting gentle movement of the solution past metal specimens and other corroding surfaces. The oxygen pressure is produced within the bomb at the beginning of the run either by the withdrawal of gas from an oxygen tank or by the decomposition … continued below

Physical Description

45 pages : illustrations

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Warren, K. S. & Davis, R. J. May 22, 1957.


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During the development of in-reactor corrosion experiments three types of bomb designs have been developed for following quantitatively the consumption of oxygen in a bomb which is fabricated from the particular metal under test. The bombs are designed so as to be rocked continuously during their in-reactor exposure, consequently agitating the uranium salt solution contained in the bomb and permitting gentle movement of the solution past metal specimens and other corroding surfaces. The oxygen pressure is produced within the bomb at the beginning of the run either by the withdrawal of gas from an oxygen tank or by the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide added just prior to closure. Temperature measurements are obtained by mans of thermocouples placed in a well within the bomb body or, in the latest design, there will also be thermocouples staked at several points on the outer wall of the bomb. The assembly is inserted in an experimental access hole in the reactor, brought up to a predetermined operating temperature by means of an electric furnace in close contact with the bomb, and allowed to remain for the desired amount of exposure to reactor radiation. Periodic measurements of temperature and pressure are made and the bomb assembly is finally removed from the reactor before the oxygen supply is depleted. Corrosion data is generally available from two independent sources : (1) The consumption of oxygen is calculated from the periodic temperature and pressure measurements along with known bomb volumes, available solubility data for oxygen and knowledge of the composition of the alloys involved; (2) Loss in weight of the metal specimens in the bomb.

Physical Description

45 pages : illustrations


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  • Report No.: CF-57-5-110
  • Grant Number: W-7405-eng-26
  • SuDoc Number: Y 3.At 7:22/CF-57-5-110
  • Accession or Local Control No: metadc1202916
  • Archival Resource Key: ark:/67531/metadc1202916


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  • May 22, 1957

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  • July 9, 2023, 5:32 p.m.

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  • April 25, 2024, 12:35 p.m.

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Warren, K. S. & Davis, R. J. In-Reactor Autoclave Corrosion Studies : LITR I. Outline of Methods and Procedures, report, May 22, 1957; Oak Ridge, Tennessee. ( accessed February 18, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.

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