Part three of the Unlikely Allies in the Academy Series, hosted by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion for continued dialogue based upon the book "Unlikely Allies in the Academy: Women of Color and White Women in Conversation." This presentation by Dr. Theresa Torres, author of the chapter “A Latina Testimonio: Challenges as an Academic, Issues of Difference, and a Call for Solidarity with White Female Academics” and her colleague, diversity expert and independent scholar Lisa McCarty, examines how privilege can be leveraged to build relationships with allies.
Established in 1890, the University of North Texas has grown to be one of the nation's largest public research universities. Offering more than 200 degree programs, the university honors diversity, caring, creativity, and innovation in order to empower students to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Part three of the Unlikely Allies in the Academy Series, hosted by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion for continued dialogue based upon the book "Unlikely Allies in the Academy: Women of Color and White Women in Conversation." This presentation by Dr. Theresa Torres, author of the chapter “A Latina Testimonio: Challenges as an Academic, Issues of Difference, and a Call for Solidarity with White Female Academics” and her colleague, diversity expert and independent scholar Lisa McCarty, examines how privilege can be leveraged to build relationships with allies.
"Creating Space for Difficult Conversations & Opportunities for Cross-Cultural and Cross-Racial Conversations," ark:/67531/metadc1067486/
This presentation is part of the following collection of related materials.
UNT Equity and Diversity Programming
Materials from the Equity and Diversity Conference hosted annually by the Division of Institutional Equity and Diversity at the University of North Texas.
Part three of the Unlikely Allies in the Academy Series, hosted by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion for continued dialogue based upon the book "Unlikely Allies in the Academy: Women of Color and White Women in Conversation." This video features Dr. Theresa Torres, author of the chapter “A Latina Testimonio: Challenges as an Academic, Issues of Difference, and a Call for Solidarity with White Female Academics” and her colleague, diversity expert and independent scholar Lisa McCarty.
Relationship to this item: (Has Version)
"Creating Space for Difficult Conversations & Opportunities for Cross-Cultural and Cross-Racial Conversations," ark:/67531/metadc1067486/
Torres, Theresa & McCarty, Lisa.Unlikely Allies: Creating a Space for Difficult Conversations Across Race and Culture,
November 14, 2017;
accessed September 12, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting University of North Texas.