One of 116 photographs in the
CSLA 2014 available on this site.
Photograph of Steve Chamber from the 47th Church and Synagogue Library Association conference, which was held at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Portland, Oregon. He is standing behind a table that has various items, including salt lamps, soaps, coffee, and toys, arranged on top of it for sale. He is holding a microphone in one hand.
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UNT Libraries Special Collections
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Photograph of Steve Chamber from the 47th Church and Synagogue Library Association conference, which was held at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Portland, Oregon. He is standing behind a table that has various items, including salt lamps, soaps, coffee, and toys, arranged on top of it for sale. He is holding a microphone in one hand.
Preferred Citation:
Church and Synagogue Library Association Records (AR0898), University of North Texas Special Collections
This photograph is part of the following collection of related materials.
Church and Synagogue Library Association Records
Materials from the Association include photographs and schedules from the annual conference, along with newsletters that present news of service in libraries that support faith groups, reviews of books and media, public relations techniques used by successful congregational libraries, and aids in the cataloging and classification of religious materials.