Photograph of Alexis Palmer giving a presentation on "A View from CL/NLP" at the 2017 Symposium on Developing Infrastructure for Computational Resources on South Asian Languages. The photo is taken from behind several seated members of the audience; Palmer is standing behind a podium and projected slides are visible to her right, on a screen mounted to a brick wall.
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UNT College of Information
Situated at the intersection of people, technology, and information, the College of Information's faculty, staff and students invest in innovative research, collaborative partnerships, and student-centered education to serve a global information society. The college offers programs of study in information science, learning technologies, and linguistics.
Photograph of Alexis Palmer giving a presentation on "A View from CL/NLP" at the 2017 Symposium on Developing Infrastructure for Computational Resources on South Asian Languages. The photo is taken from behind several seated members of the audience; Palmer is standing behind a podium and projected slides are visible to her right, on a screen mounted to a brick wall.
This photograph is part of the following collection of related materials.
Developing Infrastructure for a Computational Resource on South Asian Languages
This collection includes materials from yearly meetings since 2017 to build an infrastructure and workflow for developing CoRSAL, such as slides and recordings of presentations.