Quarterly publication of the Alpha Chi Sigma chemistry fraternity containing articles related to chemistry research and the activities of the organization, including local chapters and groups.
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Quarterly publication of the Alpha Chi Sigma chemistry fraternity containing articles related to chemistry research and the activities of the organization, including local chapters and groups.
This issue is part of the following collection of related materials.
Starting with the year 2000, this collection contains selected issues of The HEXAGON of Alpha Chi Sigma. This national professional fraternity was founded in 1902 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and now has over fifty collegiate and professional chapters across the United States. The collection includes the "Rediscovery of the Elements" sesquidecade project of Dr. James L. and Virginia R. Marshall of the University of North Texas. In addition to the main articles, there are several other feature articles connected with the project as well as cover photographs taken by Virginia Marshall.
Article describing the discovery of the element tellurium. The authors travel through Romania to visit the Transylvanian mine where tellurium was discovered. They also visit the Brukenthal Museum of Sibiu and describe the museum's mineral collection.
Relationship to this item: (Has Part)
Rediscovery of the Elements: Tellurium and Fata Baii (Fascebanya), Romania, ark:/67531/metadc111174
Article containing an interview of James Marshall by Brian Coppola regarding Marshall's "Rediscovery of the Elements" articles. Marshall discusses his motivations for traveling to European locations where elements were discovered, his plans for the future, and other projects.
Cover of The Hexagon bearing the image of the Church of Manacca in Cornwall, England. The church is a stone building with arched windows visible on two levels. A crenelated tower extends up from the nearest portion of the church. Tombstones are visible near the bottom of the image, with a fronded plant to the left. The picture has the logo of The Hexagon across its top, a photo of James and Virginia Marshall on the right, and a photo from an article about pharmaceutical jobs near the center.