Pacific Northwest and Alaska Regional Bioenergy Program : Five Year Report, 1985-1990.
This five-year report describes activities of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska Regional Bioenergy Program between 1985 and 1990. Begun in 1979, this Regional Bioenergy Program became the model for the nation's four other regional bioenergy programs in 1983. Within the time span of this report, the Pacific Northwest and Alaska Regional Bioenergy Program has undertaken a number of applied research and technology projects, and supported and guided the work of its five participating state energy programs. During this period, the Regional Bioenergy Program has brought together public- and private-sector organizations to promote the use of local biomass and municipal-waste energy … continued below
Physical Description
Medium: P; Size: Pages: (55 p)
Creation Information
(U.S.), Pacific Northwest and Alaska Bioenergy Program February 1, 1991.
This report is part of the collection entitled: Office of Scientific & Technical Information Technical Reports and was provided by the UNT Libraries Government Documents Department to the UNT Digital Library, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 19 times. More information about this report can be viewed below.
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- United States. Department of Energy. DOE; USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)
USDOE Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR (USA)
Place of Publication: United States
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This five-year report describes activities of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska Regional Bioenergy Program between 1985 and 1990. Begun in 1979, this Regional Bioenergy Program became the model for the nation's four other regional bioenergy programs in 1983. Within the time span of this report, the Pacific Northwest and Alaska Regional Bioenergy Program has undertaken a number of applied research and technology projects, and supported and guided the work of its five participating state energy programs. During this period, the Regional Bioenergy Program has brought together public- and private-sector organizations to promote the use of local biomass and municipal-waste energy resources and technologies. This report claims information on the mission, goals and accomplishments of the Regional Bioenergy Program. It describes the biomass projects conducted by the individual states of the region, and summarizes the results of the programs technical studies. Publications from both the state and regional projects are listed. The report goes on to consider future efforts of the Regional Bioenergy Program under its challenging assignment. Research activities include: forest residue estimates; Landsat biomass mapping; woody biomass plantations; industrial wood-fuel market; residential space heating with wood; materials recovery of residues; co-firing wood chips with coal; biomass fuel characterization; wood-boosted geothermal power plants; wood gasification; municipal solid wastes to energy; woodstove study; slash burning; forest depletion; and technology transfer. 9 figs., 6 tabs.
Physical Description
Medium: P; Size: Pages: (55 p)
- Alaska
- Appliances
- Biological Materials
- Biomass
- Biomass Energy - Alaska
- Biomass Energy - Alaska 299000* -- Energy Planning & Policy-- Unconventional Sources & Power Generation
- Biomass Energy - Northwest, Pacific
- Biomass Plantations
- Buildings
- Carbonaceous Materials
- Chemical Properties
- Chemical Reactions
- Coal
- Cocombustion
- Combustion
- Cultivation Techniques
- Document Types
- Economics
- Energy Source Development
- Energy Sources
- Federal Region Viii
- Federal Region X
- Forest Litter
- Forests
- Fossil Fuels
- Fuels
- Gasification
- Geothermal Power Plants
- Heating
- Idaho
- Landsat Satellites
- Management
- Mapping
- Market
- Materials
- Materials Recovery
- Montana
- Municipal Wastes
- North America
- Optimization
- Oregon
- Oxidation
- Physical Properties
- Plants
- Power Plants
- Processing
- Progress Report
- Recovery
- Remote Sensing
- Renewable Energy Sources
- Research Programs
- Residential Buildings
- Resource Assessment
- Resource Depletion
- Satellites
- Solid Wastes
- Space Heating
- Technology Transfer
- Thermal Power Plants
- Thermochemical Processes
- Trees
- Usa
- Washington
- Waste Management
- Waste Processing
- Wastes Biomass Energy - Northwest, Pacific
- Wood
- Wood Burning Appliances
- Wood Fuels
- Wood Wastes
STI Subject Categories
- 09 Biomass Fuels
- 090700 -- Biomass Fuels-- Resources-- (1990-)
- 090800 -- Biomass Fuels-- Production-- (1990-)
- 090900 -- Biomass Fuels-- Processing-- (1990-)
- 095000 -- Biomass Fuels-- Environmental Aspects-- (1990-)
- 29 Energy Planning, Policy And Economy
- 290500 -- Energy Planning & Policy-- Research, Development, Demonstration, & Commercialization
Item Type
Unique identifying numbers for this report in the Digital Library or other systems.
- Other: DE91009700
- Report No.: DOE/BP-1487
- Digital Object Identifier:
- Office of Scientific & Technical Information Report Number: 6072403
- Archival Resource Key: ark:/67531/metadc1107662
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Office of Scientific & Technical Information Technical Reports
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Digital Files
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Creation Date
- February 1, 1991
Added to The UNT Digital Library
- Feb. 22, 2018, 7:45 p.m.
Description Last Updated
- June 3, 2019, 2:35 p.m.
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(U.S.), Pacific Northwest and Alaska Bioenergy Program. Pacific Northwest and Alaska Regional Bioenergy Program : Five Year Report, 1985-1990., report, February 1, 1991; United States. ( accessed January 17, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.