Inspiravit aeolus

One of 5,306 items in the series: MISAME available on this site.
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Recording of Pierre Barbaud's Inspiravit Aeolus. During the months of July - August 1979, Barbaud did his holiday homework on the island of Panarea, which is part of the eight Aeolian Islands in southern Italy. The title refers to the character Aeolus from Homer's Odyssey who is the Keeper of the Winds. In the hours of siesta, he blows with great gentleness on the bougainvillea; this is the inspiration for all of the algorithms in the piece. After returning to Paris, Barbaud asked Frank Brown and Geneviève Klein to provide the sound sampling program in data that did not provoke … continued below

Physical Description

1 sound recording (10 min., 21 sec.)

Creation Information

Barbaud, Pierre 1980.


This audio recording is part of the collection entitled: Mnemothèque Internationale des Arts Electroacoustiques and was provided by the UNT Music Library to the UNT Digital Library, a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries. It has been viewed 14 times. More information about this recording can be viewed below.


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UNT Music Library

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  • Main Title: Inspiravit aeolus
  • Series Title: MISAME


Recording of Pierre Barbaud's Inspiravit Aeolus. During the months of July - August 1979, Barbaud did his holiday homework on the island of Panarea, which is part of the eight Aeolian Islands in southern Italy. The title refers to the character Aeolus from Homer's Odyssey who is the Keeper of the Winds. In the hours of siesta, he blows with great gentleness on the bougainvillea; this is the inspiration for all of the algorithms in the piece. After returning to Paris, Barbaud asked Frank Brown and Geneviève Klein to provide the sound sampling program in data that did not provoke violent attacks. A poor telephone transmission during a first experiment, was the cause of a crash that did not lack beauty. The following communications were normal, and everything from those transmissions were kept in the piece.

Physical Description

1 sound recording (10 min., 21 sec.)



Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus

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This recording is part of the following collection of related materials.

Mnemothèque Internationale des Arts Electroacoustiques

Sound recordings of electroacoustic music from the archive of the International de musique électroacoustique de Bourges (IMEB). The works were created in the IMEB studios or submitted by participants of the Festival Synthèse or the Bourges Electroacoustic Music Competition. Access is restricted to the UNT community.

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Creation Date

  • 1980

Added to The UNT Digital Library

  • Jan. 23, 2018, 7:43 a.m.

Description Last Updated

  • July 13, 2020, 10:27 a.m.

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Yesterday: 0
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Total Uses: 14

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Barbaud, Pierre. Inspiravit aeolus, audio recording, 1980; Bourges, France. ( accessed February 12, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Music Library.

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