Transport and deposition of activation products in a helium cooled fusion power plant

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The transport and deposition of neutron activation products in a helium cooled tokamak fusion power plant are investigated. Stainless steel is used as coolant channel material for a helium/steam system. The important gamma emitting nuclides /sup 56/Mn, /sup 54/Mn, /sup 57/Co, /sup 58/Co, /sup 60/Co, /sup 51/Cr, and /sup 99/Mo are considered. The dominant release mechanism identified is direct daughter recoil emission from (n,x) type reactions. Corrosion and evaporation are discussed. The radionuclide inventory released by these mechanisms is predicted to exceed 1 x 10/sup 4/ Ci for a reference reactor design after only several days of operation, and approach … continued below

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Bickford, W.E. September 1, 1980.


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  • Pacific Northwest Laboratory
    Publisher Info: Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, WA (USA)
    Place of Publication: Richland, Washington

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The transport and deposition of neutron activation products in a helium cooled tokamak fusion power plant are investigated. Stainless steel is used as coolant channel material for a helium/steam system. The important gamma emitting nuclides /sup 56/Mn, /sup 54/Mn, /sup 57/Co, /sup 58/Co, /sup 60/Co, /sup 51/Cr, and /sup 99/Mo are considered. The dominant release mechanism identified is direct daughter recoil emission from (n,x) type reactions. Corrosion and evaporation are discussed. The radionuclide inventory released by these mechanisms is predicted to exceed 1 x 10/sup 4/ Ci for a reference reactor design after only several days of operation, and approach 3.5 x 10/sup 4/ Ci in equilibrium. A mass transport model is then used to predict the deposition pattern of this inventory in the reactor cooling system.


NTIS, PC A04/MF A01.


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Office of Scientific & Technical Information Technical Reports

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  • September 1, 1980

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  • Jan. 22, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

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  • Feb. 1, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

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Bickford, W.E. Transport and deposition of activation products in a helium cooled fusion power plant, report, September 1, 1980; Richland, Washington. ( accessed February 12, 2025), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.

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