>Fundamental Alloying. Studies of crystal structures, reactions at metal surfaces, spectroscopy of molten salts, mechanical deformation, and alloy theory are reported. Long-Range Applied Metallurgy. A thermal comparator is described and the characteristic temperature of U0/sub 2/ determined. Sintering studies were carried out on ThO/sub 2/. The diffusion of fission products in fuel and of Al/sup 26/ and Mn/sup 54/ in Al and the reaction of Be with UC were studied. Transformation and oxidation data were obtained for a number of Zr alloys. Reactor Metallurgy. A large number of ceramic technology projects are described. Some corrosion data are given for metals …
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>Fundamental Alloying. Studies of crystal structures, reactions at metal surfaces, spectroscopy of molten salts, mechanical deformation, and alloy theory are reported. Long-Range Applied Metallurgy. A thermal comparator is described and the characteristic temperature of U0/sub 2/ determined. Sintering studies were carried out on ThO/sub 2/. The diffusion of fission products in fuel and of Al/sup 26/ and Mn/sup 54/ in Al and the reaction of Be with UC were studied. Transformation and oxidation data were obtained for a number of Zr alloys. Reactor Metallurgy. A large number of ceramic technology projects are described. Some corrosion data are given for metals exposed to impure He and molten fluorides. Studies were made of the fission-gas-retention Properties of ceramic fuel bodies. A large number of materials compatibility studies are described. The mechanical properties of some reactor materials were studied. Fabrication work was conducted to develop materials for application in low-, medium-, and high-temperature reactors or systems. A large number of new metallographic and nondestructive testing techniques are reported. Studies were carried out on the oxidation, carburization, and stability of alloys. Equipment for postirradiation examination is described. Preparation of some alloys and dispersion fuels by powder metallurgy methods was studied. The development of welding and brazing techniques for reactor materials is described. (D.L.C.)
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