A report about uranium bearing multiple oxide minerals first recognized in the jig-bed concentrate of the Tyee Mining Company's gold dredge on the Red River. The gravels of the placer deposits were derived from the Idaho batholith and a roof pendant of Precambrian rocks in the batholith.
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Added Title:
United States Geological Survey Report
A report about uranium bearing multiple oxide minerals first recognized in the jig-bed concentrate of the Tyee Mining Company's gold dredge on the Red River. The gravels of the placer deposits were derived from the Idaho batholith and a roof pendant of Precambrian rocks in the batholith.
This report is part of the following collection of related materials.
Technical Report Archive and Image Library
The Technical Report Archive & Image Library (TRAIL) identifies, acquires, catalogs, digitizes and provides unrestricted access to U.S. government agency technical reports. The mission of TRAIL is to ensure preservation, discoverability, and persistent open access to government technical publications regardless of form or format.
Armstrong, F. C. & Weis, P. L.Uranium-bearing minerals in Placer Deposits of the Red River Valley, Elk City District, Idaho County, Idaho,
August 1955;
Washington D.C..
accessed January 24, 2025),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library, https://digital.library.unt.edu;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.