Volume of cataloging rules created prior to the widespread availability of Library of Congress cataloging. Includes definitions and instructions on entry and style. Additional articles describe cataloging of special publications such as manuscripts, music, and maps and atlases.
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Volume of cataloging rules created prior to the widespread availability of Library of Congress cataloging. Includes definitions and instructions on entry and style. Additional articles describe cataloging of special publications such as manuscripts, music, and maps and atlases.
Physical Description
173 p. ; 23 cm.
First issued as pt. 2 of the 1876 Special report; 2d edition, 1889; 3d edition, 1891.
"No liberties whatever have been taken with the manuscript left by the author. The Appendix has been shortened by the omission of all rules [except those for imprint] and of the list of reference books. The articles on the cataloging of special material have been added [1. Manuscripts, by W.C. Ford. 2. Music, by O.G. Sonneck. 3. Maps and atlases, by P. Lee Phillips]"
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Government Documents General Collection
Drawn from the prolific publishing programs of the federal and state governments, these documents may include reports, hearings, books, and pamphlets on historical and current topics.