Poster paper for the 2017 International Conference on Knowledge Management. This paper examines the challenges of data managements and use in K-12 education through the technical, knowledge, application, climate and cultural aspects.
Situated at the intersection of people, technology, and information, the College of Information's faculty, staff and students invest in innovative research, collaborative partnerships, and student-centered education to serve a global information society. The college offers programs of study in information science, learning technologies, and linguistics.
Poster paper for the 2017 International Conference on Knowledge Management. This paper examines the challenges of data managements and use in K-12 education through the technical, knowledge, application, climate and cultural aspects.
Physical Description
6 p.
Abstract: In the United States, state and local education agencies have been collecting student data to inform decision-making for school improvement and student achievement. The size and type of students' information collected over the years provides a large volume of data for statistical analysis. However, data systems are underutilized to support sound decisions in a data driven framework. This poster is to examine the challenges of data management and use in K-12 education through the technical, knowledge, application, climate and cultural aspects.
This paper is part of the following collections of related materials.
International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM)
Serving as digital proceedings, this collection includes papers, posters, and slides from invited talks as well as practitioner and sponsor presentations for the annual International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM).
Materials from the UNT community's research, creative, and scholarly activities and UNT's Open Access Repository. Access to some items in this collection may be restricted.
Jim, Cary K. & Schultz-Jones, Barbara.The Challenges Of Implementing A Data Driven Framework in K-12 Education,
October 25, 2017;
accessed September 18, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT College of Information.