Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789-1909, Third Edition Revised and Enlarged, Volume 1, Lists of Congressional and Departmental Publications Page: IV
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Extracted Text
The following text was automatically extracted from the image on this page using optical character recognition software:
Appendix .................................... app.
Congress .......... .................... Coing.
Cutter table- .-........................... CT
Department ................................. Dept.
Document ....................................doc.
Executive ..... ........................ ex.
Folio . ............ .......... ............... fo
H ouse . ..... ....... ......................... H .
House concurrent resolution.............. H. C. R.
House document ...... ................... doec.
House executive document ............. . ex. doc.
House joint resolution -..................... J. R.
House miscellaneous document ...... H. misc. doc.
House report .............. ............. ... H. rp.
House resolution (simple) - ........- ....--.--H. R.
Inch, inches ................ ............... in.
Latitude .. ... ................. ..... . lat.
Leaf, leaves ... ........ .......-----.... 1.
Longitude .... .. ........... ... .......... long.
Mile, miles ...... . .. ...... ..-............ m.
Miscellaneous ...... ...-............. misc.
Nautical. ....-... .....................- ..- .naut.
N o date ............. .................. .. .. d.
No place .....................................n. p.
No title-page ........................ ...... n. t. p.
Number, numbers... .....-........... no., nos.
Octavo .-..8..--......--..- .... --. . .80Page, pages .................................... p.
Part, parts ............................. pt., pts.
Public Documents Library ............... D. L.
Quarto .. .... .... .... ..................40
Report ......... ................. . rp.
Revised statutes .. ....................... R. S.
Section, sections ... ....... ............. sec.
Senate S.. .... .......... ...... S.
Senate concurrent resolution ..............S. C. R.
Senate document....-. .... ............S. doc.
Senate executive document ..... ...... S. ex. doec.
Senate joint resolution ..- . ............... S. J. R.
Senate miscellaneous document...... S. misc. doe.
Senate report ...... ....- ................- ..S. rp.
Senate resolution (simple) ...............S. R.
Serial number assigned to bound volumes of
Congressional documents ...............serial no.
Session ................-. ... ......sess.
Sixteenmo .....- .....--. ............- .... 16o
Special ..-... ...- .. ........ . ..---- . ..spec., sp.
Statutes at large.......-....--. ...... . .- Stat. L.
Thirtytwo-mo ............-.......--.... . 320
Treasury .............-........ -------. Treas.
Twelvemoo - ........ ...-- ...... --- -120
Twentyfour-mo .... .............--.. 240
Versus .... ....... ..... ........... s., v.
Volume, volumes ......-.....--- ..----. ...--.. v.Also the common abbreviations for the names of the States and of the months.
H. or S. followed by a number stands for House bill or Senate bill, respectively.EXPLANATIONS
When place and printer are not given, "Washington, Government Printing Office,"
is to be understood.
When size is not given, octavo is to be understood. Size of maps is measured from
outer edge of border, excluding margin.
Serial and Congressional document numbers are added to entries for the corresponding
bureau edition thus "[2309-269]."
Asterisk (*) indicates that the publication is not in the Public Documents Library.
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United States. Superintendent of Documents. Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789-1909, Third Edition Revised and Enlarged, Volume 1, Lists of Congressional and Departmental Publications, book, 1911; Washington D.C.. ( accessed December 2, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,; crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.