The theoretical development, statistical treatment, and application of hot channel factors in compact SNAP reactors as represented by the SNAP 8 experimental core loading are presented. The channel and rod power effects of variation in the concentrations of uranium, hydrogen, and poison in the fuel rods are given. The statistical distributions of all variables are examined. A random selection of rods and channels is compared to the actual SNAP 8 configuration, with no difference noted. Confidence limits are set on hot rod and hot channel factors. Various other factors and aspects of the problem are discussed. The results of the …
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Publisher Info:
Atomics International. Div. of North American Aviation, Inc., Canoga Park, Calif.
Place of Publication:
Canoga Park, California
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The theoretical development, statistical treatment, and application of hot channel factors in compact SNAP reactors as represented by the SNAP 8 experimental core loading are presented. The channel and rod power effects of variation in the concentrations of uranium, hydrogen, and poison in the fuel rods are given. The statistical distributions of all variables are examined. A random selection of rods and channels is compared to the actual SNAP 8 configuration, with no difference noted. Confidence limits are set on hot rod and hot channel factors. Various other factors and aspects of the problem are discussed. The results of the study showed that the hot channel factors may be reduced to less than +2% over the nominal power, as opposed to a hot channel factor of about +10% as previously determined by empirical methods. (auth)
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Cohn, P. D. & Evans, H. A.Statistical Treatment of Hot Channel Factors for Compact Reactors,
July 15, 1963;
Canoga Park, California.
accessed December 2, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.