Development of the boiling water UO/sub 2/ fueled Variable Moderator Reactor (VMR) is conducted under contract for the USAEC. The initiation and progress of work under Phase I of the contract, Physics and Kinetic Analysis and Initial Evaluation,'' and the preparation for Phase II, Critical Experiment and Analysis of Results,'' are reported. A hydrodynamic flow sheet representing the sequence of calculations for the BOCH program was prepared. A preliminary block diagram of the kinetics model of the VMR was prepared. Work is reported on the PUREE code which is designed to give an accurate representation of the physics of the …
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Development of the boiling water UO/sub 2/ fueled Variable Moderator Reactor (VMR) is conducted under contract for the USAEC. The initiation and progress of work under Phase I of the contract, Physics and Kinetic Analysis and Initial Evaluation,'' and the preparation for Phase II, Critical Experiment and Analysis of Results,'' are reported. A hydrodynamic flow sheet representing the sequence of calculations for the BOCH program was prepared. A preliminary block diagram of the kinetics model of the VMR was prepared. Work is reported on the PUREE code which is designed to give an accurate representation of the physics of the VMR core. A fuel element fabrication speciftcation was prepared and released for quotations. A study was made to select the most appropriate material for void simulation throughout the range of interest in the VMR. (W.D.M.)
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Office of Scientific & Technical Information Technical Reports
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Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) is the Department of Energy (DOE) office that collects, preserves, and disseminates DOE-sponsored research and development (R&D) results that are the outcomes of R&D projects or other funded activities at DOE labs and facilities nationwide and grantees at universities and other institutions.
August 31, 1959;
Mountain View, California.
accessed February 19, 2025),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.