An alternate design of the Elk River Reactor was completed during the quarter. Three points were emphasized in the study: performance capability to provide 116 Mw(th) output; fuel costs of the reference design versus alternate fuel media and cladding; and reactor control modifications to provide sufficient reactivlty to eliminate soluble hold down'' poisons, permit higher power operation and obtain a greater fuel life. Work is summarized on fuel element and material development program, reactor vessel and internal components, control rods and drive mechanism, process systems, superheater, buildings and facilities, instrumentation and site construction. (For preceding period see ACNP-ERR-3.) (W.D.M.)
Publisher Info:
Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co. Atomic Energy Div., Milwaukee
Place of Publication:
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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An alternate design of the Elk River Reactor was completed during the quarter. Three points were emphasized in the study: performance capability to provide 116 Mw(th) output; fuel costs of the reference design versus alternate fuel media and cladding; and reactor control modifications to provide sufficient reactivlty to eliminate soluble hold down'' poisons, permit higher power operation and obtain a greater fuel life. Work is summarized on fuel element and material development program, reactor vessel and internal components, control rods and drive mechanism, process systems, superheater, buildings and facilities, instrumentation and site construction. (For preceding period see ACNP-ERR-3.) (W.D.M.)
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ELK RIVER REACTOR. Quarterly Project Report for March-April-May 1959,
October 31, 1959;
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
accessed February 14, 2025),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.