The presentation includes a very general outline of the program, a semi- detailed flow diagram which emphasizes the physics and control aspects of the calculation, and then a detailed flow diagram and listing of the program (which is written in Fortran). Explanatory notes accompany thc diagrams. Following the notes on the program, master lists detailing thc roles of the sense switches, sense lights, pauses, and stops are presented. The operating instructions are then given, followed by a sample problem, including detailed information on input data. The theoretical discussion has been kept primarily in the appendices, and is generally in outline …
continued below
Publisher Info:
Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N. Mex.
Place of Publication:
New Mexico
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The presentation includes a very general outline of the program, a semi- detailed flow diagram which emphasizes the physics and control aspects of the calculation, and then a detailed flow diagram and listing of the program (which is written in Fortran). Explanatory notes accompany thc diagrams. Following the notes on the program, master lists detailing thc roles of the sense switches, sense lights, pauses, and stops are presented. The operating instructions are then given, followed by a sample problem, including detailed information on input data. The theoretical discussion has been kept primarily in the appendices, and is generally in outline form with references, rather than in full exposition. (auth)
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Office of Scientific & Technical Information Technical Reports
Reports, articles and other documents harvested from the Office of Scientific and Technical Information.
Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) is the Department of Energy (DOE) office that collects, preserves, and disseminates DOE-sponsored research and development (R&D) results that are the outcomes of R&D projects or other funded activities at DOE labs and facilities nationwide and grantees at universities and other institutions.
Okrent, D.; Cook, J. M.; Satkus, D.; Lazarus, R. B. & Wells, M. B.Ax-1, a Computing Program for Coupled Neutronics-Hydrodynamics Calculations on the Ibm-704,
May 1, 1959;
Lemont, Illinois.
accessed September 8, 2024),
University of North Texas Libraries, UNT Digital Library,;
crediting UNT Libraries Government Documents Department.