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[Students study their papers in class]
Students study their papers in a class held by Rudy Rodriguez at the University of North Texas.
[Absent students are represented by their empty desks]
A photo of a classroom with several students visible, working individually at their desks. There are computers and a blackboard at the front of the classroom and locks on the side of the room. Three empty desks highlight the absence of multiple students.
[Empty desks reveal the number of absent students in a classroom]
Empty desks reveal the number of absences from this class.
[Empty desks show the number of absent students in a classroom]
Student absenteeism is visible with the number of empty desks in this classroom.
[Man takes notes during a meeting]
Families gather in a cafeteria for a meeting on whether or not to wear school uniforms in the Fort Worth Independent School District.
[Students raise their hands during a class]
Students raise their hands during a class in the Fort Worth Independent School District.
[Students read books at Seminary Hills Elementary]
Students read books in front of a Christmas tree at the Seminary Hills Elementary in Fort Worth, Texas
[Students read to one another at Seminary Hills Elementary]
Students read to each other at Seminary Hills Elementary in Fort Worth, Texas.
[Students read to each other at Seminary Hills Elementary]
Students read to each other at Seminary Hills Elementary in Fort Worth, Texas.
[Students read books together at Seminary Hills Elementary]
Children read books in a group at Seminary Hills Elementary in Fort Worth, Texas.
[Students and their teacher pose with the books at Seminary Hills Elementary]
Children and their teacher pose with books at Seminary Hills Elementary in Fort Worth, Texas.
[Students read books in a group at Seminary Hills Elementary]
Students sit on the floor and read books at Seminary Hills Elementary in Fort Worth, Texas.
[Students gather to read books at Seminary Hills Elementery]
Students and teachers gather to read books in Seminary Hills Elementary.
[Students read books to each other at Seminary Hills Elementary]
Students read to each other at Seminary Hills Elementary in Fort Worth, Texas.
[Student holds up a book in class to show everyone the pictures]
Student holds up a book so everyone in the class can see the pictures.
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