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Use of the Reve Eveille Dirige (Guided Daydream) for Selection of Vocation and College Major
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the guided daydream technique as a method for selection of a vocation and major area of study by college students seeking vocational counseling. Choices made by each student were rated by three judges relative to their degree of correspondence with the results of a specific battery of vocational tests which that student had taken. The ratings of these students' choices were compared with similar ratings made by the same judges on a control group of students who had also made choices of vocation and college major but had not participated in the guided daydream session.
The Isolation of GATB Aptitude Patterns for Six Major Fields of Study
The problem of this study was to isolate General Aptitude Test Battery patterns for persons who have succeeded in certain major fields of study at North Texas State University, Denton, Texas. In addition to the basic problem stated above, an effort was made to (1) determine the significance of the relationships between GATB scores and grade-point averages for all undergraduate courses taken; (2) determine the relationships between GATB scores and grade-point averages for all undergraduate courses in the major field of study, and (3) conduct a survey of all subjects selected for this study to determine their past, present and expected future fields of occupational endeavor since graduation from college and the relationship between such employment and the individual's major field of study in college.
Analysis and Computer Programming of Duncan's New Multiple Range Test
The primary purpose of this paper is to analyze and evaluate a relatively recently proposed statistic, "Duncan's New Multiple Range Test," for use when the researcher's plans call for a test of significance between three or more group means.
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