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3 elektronische Studien
Recording of Lothar Voigtländer's 3 elektronische Studien. The basis for the composition are the poems of the poet Erich Arendt. The poems were written around 1925 in his Expressionist creative period. Accordingly, the compositional means: concrete musical material is mixed with electronic sounds to achieve a strongly expressive and suggestive associative effect. It is less thought of as a "setting" of the texts, but should be added to the often strongly symbolic language formulations as a different, musical dimension. The vocals and the piano usually work live. The piano is mostly treated as unrecognizable - this is to achieve a seamless insertion into the electro-acoustic sound material. In a performance, both piano and singer can be electro-acoustically amplified and to a lesser extent technically manipulated (reverberation, iteration, etc).
48 13 N, 16 200
Recording of Tae Hong Park's 48 13 N, 16 200. This is a work for electronics that includes ambient sounds and spoken German language.
Abominable A
Recording of Luigi Ceccarelli's "Abominable A" for magnetic tape. The piece includes the voices of Kadigia Bove, Francesca Furlanetto, Eugenio Giordani, Luciano Martinis, Michela Mollia, Achille Perilli, Marina Poggi, Enrico Pulsoni, Giovanni Puma, Kerstin Riemer, Claudio Rufa, Stefano Scodanibbio, Gaetano Trusso, and Catherine Verwilgen. The piece contains a recitation of all the words in the Italian vocabulary that begin with the letter A, read in sequence from voices with different stamps, rhythms, and intonations. To these are added other sequences in French, German, and English. The work is divided into fifteen sections, each of which has a different criterion for processing the timbre, rhythm, and space. It was realized at the Electronic Laboratory for Experimental Music at the Conservatory "G. Rossini" in Pesaro from 1978 to 1980.
Aï∂a ∂omi
Recording of Mia Schmidt's Aï∂a ∂omi. The spoken word, on which the composers short composition for tape "a rose is a rose" is basing, transfers two antithetical messages. The poem "rose is a rose" written by Gertrude Stein is a love- poem. The composer added sentences, taken from newspaper articles discussing the brutality of the pornographic industry. The poem is represented by this overtone-spectrum in form of sinus-tones or slightly modified sinus-tones. The sentences from the newspaper articles are normally spoken.
Andere die Welt, sie braucht es
Recording of Wilhelm Zobl's Andere die Welt, sie braucht es.
Approcci a petrarca
Recording of Hans Ulrich Humpert's Approcci a petrarca. This work is made up of five sections, which are voice and electronics. The piece features many sounds such as voice, electronics, writing with a pencil, and sound effects.
Recording of Lou Mallozzi's Aquapolis. The sound material is language and ambient recordings. The text is written in English, and has been translated into German and Venetian Italian. There are aquatic sounds, body sounds, and sounds of physical labor. Conceptually, the piece is based on a fictional trans-historical walk through an aquatic city, loosely based on Venice. The piece is in four sections: Preamble, 2000 Years Ago, 200 Years Ago, and This Year.
Le bass de auf a bourges du dat
Recording of Jürgen Bräuninger and Ulrich Süsse's Le bass de auf a bourges du dat. It is a work for saxophone, bass clarinet, and electronics. There are speech snippets which are accompanied by free improv from the saxophone and clarinet, while processed and manipulated recording of these instruments play in the background.
Berlin views
Recording of Günter Heinz's Berlin views. This work presents the "sound of the city at the end of the century" and arose in connection with the video project Ç Vortex È of Akademie der Künste Berlin.
Candide: Unterwegs - en cheminn en el camino - Away
Recording of Hans Ulrich Humpert's Candide: Unterwegs - en cheminn en el camino - Away. This piece includes periods of overlapping voices, with voices speaking in French, German, English, and Spanish; sometimes these overlaps consist of two voices in different languages, sometimes more.
Chacoel (Musik für den frühen Abend)
Recording of Martin Rudolf Schwarzenlander-Fischer's "Chacoel (Musik für den frühen Abend)" for tape.
Recording of Dieter Kaufmann's Chanson.
Die chore der andromache
Recording of Hans Ulrich Humpert's Die chore der andromache. This work is made up of five sections which are made up of electronicly-processed voice and electronics.
Composition Recital: 2017-11-28 – Spectrum
Spectrum concert performed at the UNT College of Music Voertman Hall.
La Confession
This work was created from a story entitled "The Confession" that I wrote in 1989. In Spanish originally, it was translated into Hebrew, French, English and German. Some of these texts in different languages have been integrated into the work. "Confession" records the psychological oscillations - from mental stability to madness or vice versa - that the protagonist goes through. "The Confession" of the human voice, the electronic instruments (synclaiver), the acoustic instruments (harp, trombone, cello, flute, percussion) and the concrete sounds create a semantic interaction with the syntax of the musical language.
Dialogue avec Wittgenstein
Recording of Dieter Kaufmann's Dialogue avec Wittgenstein. This work is built on fragments of philosophical text spoken in both French and German, as well as various musical segments by composers Beethoven, Brahms, Bruckner, and the composer himself. The work was produces at the ELAK Institute of the University of Vienna Music and had two premieres. The German version in Vienna (1999) and the French version in Bourges (1999).
An die materie
Recording of David Prior's An die materie. Written for dancer, choreographers, voice, and electronics. The relationship established between the music and the movement, was carefully considered throughout the collaborators. The piece was inspired by a poem by French Jesuit mystic Pierre Theilhard de Chardin in its German translation.
Dirigez la fortune
No Description Available.
Doctoral Lecture: 2017-02-22 – Ah Young Kim, piano
Lecture recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Lecture Recital: 1989-04-17 – Kristine H. Kresge, conductor
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Lecture Recital: 1990-11-19 – Gale Odom, soprano
Lecture recital presented at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Lecture Recital: 2002-04-22 – Jemmilou Rye Rushing, soprano
Doctoral lecture recital at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall.
Doctoral Lecture Recital: 2009-06-18 – Conroy Cupido, tenor
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Lecture Recital: 2013-05-21 – Laurissa Backlin, soprano
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Lecture Recital: 2016-02-12 – Alicia Wallace, soprano
Doctoral lecture recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Lecture Recital: 2017-04-08 – Chul Woong Chang, baritone
Lecture recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 1986-12-01 - Robert Hansen, tenor
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 1987-04-13 – Susan Masters, soprano
Recital presented at the NTSU School of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 1987-07-15 – Robert Hanson, tenor
Recital presented at the NTSU School of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 1988-04-18 – Sam Germany, tenor
Recital presented at the NTSU School of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 1989-01-16 – Chong-Pil Lim, piano
Recital presented at the UNT School of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 1990-02-19 – Samuel R. German, Jr., tenor
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 1991-04-08 – Colleen R. Bolthouse, soprano and Sarah D. Click, piano
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree
Doctoral Recital: 1991-04-15 – Susan Masters Wyatt, soprano
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 1991-07-01 – Paul David Haskins, Baritone
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 1999-04-19 – Daniel Farris, conductor
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Winspear Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 2002-03-30 – Paul Tucker, conductor
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 2003-01-27 – Riki Darding, soprano
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 2006-03-20 – Anne Beloncik Schantz, soprano
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree
Doctoral Recital: 2006-06-19 – Richard Novak, tenor
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree
Doctoral Recital: 2007-02-26 - Kellie Quijano, clarinet
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree
Doctoral Recital: 2007-03-01 - Jessica McCormack, soprano
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 2007-03-05 - Daniel Stevens, viola
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree
Doctoral Recital: 2007-04-16 - Chie Watanabe, piano
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree
Doctoral Recital: 2007-04-16 - John Roberts, percussion
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in fulfillment of the Doctor of Music Arts (DMA) degree
Doctoral Recital: 2007-04-21 - José Luís Reséndez, saxophone
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall in fulfillment of the Doctor of Music Arts (DMA) degree
Doctoral Recital: 2007-04-27 - Wen-Chien Tang, piano
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree
Doctoral Recital: 2007-11-04 Hyun-Jun Choi, tenor
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 2007-11-05 - Jeremy Blackwood, bass
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Recital Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
Doctoral Recital: 2007-11-15 - Hyeryung Kwon, soprano
Recital presented at the UNT College of Music Concert Hall in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree.
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