Search Results

Breeds of dogs.
Provides information to assist the reader in selecting dogs for breeding for various purposes. Includes only the "best known" breeds.
Canaries : their care and management.
A guide to the care and breeding of canaries.
Carpet Beetles.
Describes the common types of carpet beetles, their life cycles, and methods of control.
Cauliflower and Heading Broccoli Production.
A guide to growing cauliflower and heading broccoli on the farm.
Community cotton production.
Recommends and describes the "one-variety community method" of cotton production, in which a community limits itself to growing a single variety of cotton in order to produce a uniform product.
Diseases, ailments, and abnormal conditions of swine.
Describes the major and minor diseases of swine; discusses the importance of disease control to prevent loss of animals during transport.
Erosion on Roads and Adjacent Lands.
Discusses the need to protect highway ditches in order to prevent soil erosion damage to public roads and farmlands.
Farm dairy houses.
Describes the importance of a milk house on the farm. Provides construction guidelines, illustrations, and floor plans.
Growing and planting coniferous trees on the farm.
Describes the proper methods for planting coniferous trees for use as windbreaks or for lumber.
Growing Nursery Stock of Southern Pines.
Describes the steps for growing southern pine seedlings from nursery stock; discusses the proper methods for sowing, watering, and weeding.
Hay stackers and their use.
Describes various types of hay stackers and how to construct them.
House Ants.
Describes different types of house ants and methods of control.
Important sugar-beet byproducts and their utilization.
Describes various uses of all the parts of sugar beets and their byproducts.
Karakul sheep.
Describes the characteristics of karakul sheep and their importance as a source of wool.
Legumes in Soil Conservation Practices.
Describes measures for preventing soil erosion through the planting of legumes.
Olive Growing in the Southwestern United States.
Describes different varieties of olive trees, and methods for successfully growing olives in the southwestern United States.
Planting Southern Pines.
Describes different types of southern pines, how to plant stock, and maintaining the trees as they continue to grow.
Porcupine Control in the Western States.
Describes the characteristics of porcupines in the western United States, the damage they cause, and methods of control.
Preventing damage by Lyctus powder-post beetles.
Describes the characteristics of Lyctus powder-post beetles, the damage they cause, and methods of control.
The production of cucumbers in greenhouses.
Lists the best ways to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse environment, and discusses insect and disease enemies of the cucumber.
Production of Garlic.
Discusses garlic as a crop in terms of its different varieties, the steps for preparing land, cultivating, harvesting, cleaning, and shipping garlic for the market.
Production of Parsnips.
A guide to growing, harvesting, and storing parsnips.
Production of Radishes.
Describes the varieties of radishes and the best practices for growing and marketing them.
Production of Salsify or Vegetable-Oyster.
Introduces salsify and its varieties, and discusses ways to cultivate, store, cook, and sell it.
Production of Spinach.
Describes characteristics and varieties of spinach, and provides farmers with recommendations for soils, fertilizers, cultivating, and harvesting it.
Quince Growing.
Provides information about growing quince, including soil requirements, propagation, varieties, planting and care of trees, and insect and disease control.
A sawfly injurious to young pines.
Describes the characteristics of the red-headed pine sawfly, the damage it causes to pine trees, and methods of control.
Slash Pine.
Describes the characteristics of slash pine and the benefits of using it for turpentine gum.
Soil-Depleting, Soil-Conserving, and Soil-Building Crops.
Discusses soil conservation in a clear and concise manner. Discusses soil building, soil conserving, and soil depleting crops as well as the minerals to be found in soil.
Sorgo for sirup production : culture, harvesting, and handling.
Describes the conditions necessary to produce sorgo and manufacture sorgo syrup.
Soybeans for the Table.
Describes the versatile nature of the soybean in cooking and provides recipes which contain soybeans.
Strip cropping for soil conservation.
Describes the strip cropping method of crop production, for the purpose of erosion control.
Using soil-binding plants to reclaim gullies in the South.
Describes types of trees, vines, and grasses that can be planted in the southern United States to prevent soil erosion.
The Velvetbean.
A guide to velvet-bean culture, including a discussion of its uses as food for livestock and humans.
Wheat smuts and their control.
Describes the characteristics of three types of wheat smut in the United States and methods of control.
Why Red Clover Fails.
Explains the causes and describes methods for preventing red clover failure.
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