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Breeds of dogs.
Provides information to assist the reader in selecting dogs for breeding for various purposes. Includes only the "best known" breeds.
Canaries : their care and management.
A guide to the care and breeding of canaries.
The City Home Garden
Revised edition. "Fresh vegetables for an average family may be grown upon a large back yard or city lot.... Thousands of acres of idle land that may be used for gardens are still available within the boundaries of our large cities. Some of the problems that confront the city gardener are more difficult than those connected with the farm garden, and it is the object of this bulletin to discuss these problems from a practical standpoint." -- p. 2. Soil preparation, tools, seeding, watering, diseases and pests, and space issues are all discussed and brief descriptions of several vegetables are given.
Community cotton production.
Recommends and describes the "one-variety community method" of cotton production, in which a community limits itself to growing a single variety of cotton in order to produce a uniform product.
Culture and Pests of Field Peas
This bulletin discusses the culture of the field and diseases and insects which commonly afflict it. Diseases discussed include leaf spot, stem blight, bacterial blight, left blotch, powdery mildew, downy mildew, anthracnose, fusarium wilt, root rot, and mosaic. The pea weevil, aphid, and moth are the insects discussed, as well as the nematode.
Diseases, ailments, and abnormal conditions of swine.
Describes the major and minor diseases of swine; discusses the importance of disease control to prevent loss of animals during transport.
Farm dairy houses.
Describes the importance of a milk house on the farm. Provides construction guidelines, illustrations, and floor plans.
Grading Dressed Turkeys
"From the producer's standpoint, the correct grading of turkeys is a very important factor in the success of his enterprise. Without dependable grading, successful marketing is practically impossible, and without successful marketing, little profit may be expected. Whether the producer grades his own turkeys or has this done by a licensed grader, a familiarity with the grade descriptions and how the grades are applied will create a mutual understanding and be a source of satisfaction to producers, graders, and buyers. How to grade according to Government standards can be learned by any producer who makes a thorough study of the grade factors involved. This bulletin attempts to point out by description and illustration the most important of these factors." -- p. ii
Growing and planting coniferous trees on the farm.
Describes the proper methods for planting coniferous trees for use as windbreaks or for lumber.
Growing Fruit for Home Use
Revised edition. "This bulletin aims to furnish, in concise form, information that will be of practical help to the amateur fruit grower. It deals with the widely grown temperate-climate fruits, such as the apple, pear, peach, plum, cherry, grape, and berries. Lists are given of varieties desirable for the different parts of the country. Because of the number of fruits considered and the territory covered, cultural directions are necessarily brief, but they cover the most important general points." -- p. 2
Hay stackers and their use.
Describes various types of hay stackers and how to construct them.
Implements and Methods of Tillage to Control Soil Blowing on the Northern Great Plains
This bulletin tools and methods of tilling which can help reduce or control soil blowing and soil erosion on farms in the northern Great Plains of the United States. Among the crops discussed with relation to tilling methods are beans, corn, sorghum, potatoes, alfalfa, and sweet clover.
Important sugar-beet byproducts and their utilization.
Describes various uses of all the parts of sugar beets and their byproducts.
Infectious Anemia (Swamp Fever)
Infectious anemia (which is also known as swamp fever) is a disease which afflicts horses and mules and results in significant financial losses for farms every year. This bulletin discusses the causes and forms of the disease, the accompanying anatomical changes in infected animals, the diagnostic process, and control measures which can be taken to prevent further spread of this serious illness.
Karakul sheep.
Describes the characteristics of karakul sheep and their importance as a source of wool.
Making Lime on the Farm
"The farmer can buy lime from commercial sources in the form and degree of purity desired; he can produce his own if he has a convenient supply of raw material; or he can cooperate with his neighbors in working a deposit. This bulletin deals with factors which should be considered by a farmer or a group of farmers before investing in equipment for obtaining lime from limestone or marl." -- p. 1
Muscadine Grapes
"Muscadine grapes are indigenous to the southeastern section of the United States, where they grow in greater or less profusion in the wild state. Through careful selection from the wild grapes and scientific breeding there have been developed a considerable number of varieties particularly adapted to the home needs in the Southeast, both as table grapes and as raw material for a variety of food and beverage products. Not being resistant to low winter temperatures they do not thrive in the northern grape districts. Muscadines are relatively resistant to grape diseases and insect pests and do well with a minimum of care, but, like most fruits, respond favorably to good cultural treatment. This bulletin sets forth in nontechnical form the information accumulated by the Department [of Agriculture] over a considerable period of years on muscadine grape varieties, their bleeding, culture, and uses." -- p. ii
Olive Growing in the Southwestern United States.
Describes different varieties of olive trees, and methods for successfully growing olives in the southwestern United States.
Preventing damage by Lyctus powder-post beetles.
Describes the characteristics of Lyctus powder-post beetles, the damage they cause, and methods of control.
The production of cucumbers in greenhouses.
Lists the best ways to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse environment, and discusses insect and disease enemies of the cucumber.
A sawfly injurious to young pines.
Describes the characteristics of the red-headed pine sawfly, the damage it causes to pine trees, and methods of control.
Slash Pine.
Describes the characteristics of slash pine and the benefits of using it for turpentine gum.
Soil Defense in the Northeast
This bulletin discusses methods of soil conservation in the northeastern United States that can prevent erosion. Soil conservation practices vary with the type of agriculture being used. In addition to general farming, conservation for dairying, orcharding, market gardening, and single-crop farming are discussed.
Soil Defense in the South
"This bulletin describes farming practices that conserve soil, and how such practices may be applied to farms in a large part of the South. Its scope is limited to that part of the Cotton Belt extending west from the Georgia-Alabama line to central Texas and southern Oklahoma." -- p. i.
Sorgo for sirup production : culture, harvesting, and handling.
Describes the conditions necessary to produce sorgo and manufacture sorgo syrup.
Strip cropping for soil conservation.
Describes the strip cropping method of crop production, for the purpose of erosion control.
Terracing for Soil and Water Conservation
This bulletin describes terracing methods that are able to combat soil erosion and conserve water. There are three types of terraces (drainage, absorptive, and bench) and plans, specifications, construction practices are provided in the bulletin.
Using soil-binding plants to reclaim gullies in the South.
Describes types of trees, vines, and grasses that can be planted in the southern United States to prevent soil erosion.
The Velvetbean.
A guide to velvet-bean culture, including a discussion of its uses as food for livestock and humans.
Wheat smuts and their control.
Describes the characteristics of three types of wheat smut in the United States and methods of control.
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