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Federal/State Regulatory Permitting Actions in Selected Nuclear Power Station Licensing Cases
Abstract: This report documents the Federal/State regulatory permitting actions in 12 case histories of nuclear power station licensing in nine different states. General observations regarding Federal/State siting roles in the siting process include: new regulations, with the exceptions of those imposed by NEPA, were not found to be the source of significant delay; interventions were the sources of significant delay in only two cases; in only two cases was a local agency a source of delay; no one factor was found to be a source of delay, rather several factors often combined to cause delay; it is still too early to assess the influence of State power plant siting laws on the licensing process; clarification of the word "delay" is needed; water related issues predominate in State permitting requirements associated with delay; generalizations on the sources and nature of delay in the licensing process are difficult to make because of site specific characteristics; and frequently problems outside the Federal/State realm have had, or can have, a delaying effect on the process. Eleven of the case histories are illustrated with a logic network that gives the actions of the utilities in addition to the Federal/State permits.
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