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Conceptual design of an in-pile package loop for sodium-cooled thermal reactor fuel testing
Report issued by the APDA over a design study "of a facility for testing sodium-cooled thermal reactor fuel assemblies in the Advanced Test Reactor" (p. 5). The results are presented and discussed. This report includes tables, and illustrations.
Description of Developmental Fast Neutron Breeder Power Reactor Plant
Report that generally describes sodium cooled fast reactors, the features and facilities of such a reactor proposed by Atomic Power Development Associates, and then its safety and siting considerations.
HAFEVER: An Inelastic Scattering Code for the IBM 704 Computer
Report issued by the APDA over HAFEVER, a code developed for the IBM 704 computer. As stated in the introduction, "HAFEVER is an IBM 704 code which calculates the energy exchange inelastic scattering cross section" (p. 3). Descriptions of the code and the theory behind the code are discussed. This report includes tables.
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