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The aerodynamic properties of thick aerofoils suitable for internal bracing
From Introduction: "The object of this investigation was to determine the characteristics of various types of wings having sufficient depth to entirely inclose the wing bracing, and also to provide data for the further design of such sections. Results of the investigation of the following subjects are given: (1) effect of changing the upper and lower camber of thick aerofoils of uniform section; (2) effect of thickening the center and thinning the tips of a thin aerofoil; (3) effect of adding a convex lower surface to a tapered section; (4) effect of changing the mean thickness with constant center and tip sections; and (5) effect of varying the chord along the span."
The altitude laboratory for the test of aircraft engines
Report presents descriptions, schematics, and photographs of the altitude laboratory for the testing of aircraft engines constructed at the Bureau of Standards for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Aluminum and Its Light Alloys
Report is a summary of research work which has been done here and abroad on the constitution and mechanical properties of the various alloy systems with aluminum.
Bomb Trajectories
The report is a mathematical treatise dealing with the trajectories of bombs of high terminal velocity, dropped from a great altitude.
Calculation of Low-Pressure Indicator Diagrams
Report develops a fundamental conception and partial application of a method for calculating the pressure-volume relationships to be expected for any given engine design. It outlines a method of computing and interpreting low-pressure indicator cards.
Carbureting Conditions Characteristics of Aircraft Engines
Tests were conducted at the altitude laboratory erected at the Bureau of Standards for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics to determine the changes in engine performance with changes in atmospheric temperature and pressure at various levels above the earth's surface, with special reference to (a) the variables affecting the functioning of the carburetor and (b) the changes in performance resulting from variables in the carburetor itself. This report constitutes a concise statement of the difficulties to be encountered in this branch of carburetion.
Characteristics of High-Tension Magnetos
This report gives the results of an investigation made into the fundamental physical characteristics of high-tension ignition magnetos, and also describes the methods used for measuring the quantities involved.
Comparison of hecter fuel with export aviation gasoline
Among the fuels which will operate at compression ratios up to at least 8.0 without preignition or "pinking" is hecter fuel, whence a careful determination of its performance is of importance. For the test data presented in this report the hecter fuel used was a mixture of 30 per cent benzol and 70 per cent cyclohexane, having a low freezing point, and distilling from first drop to 90 per cent at nearly a constant temperature, about 20 degrees c. below the average distillation temperature ("mean volatility") of the x gasoline (export grade). The results of these experiments show that the power developed by hecter fuel is the same as that developed by export aviation gasoline at about 1,800 r.p.m. at all altitudes. At lower speeds differences in the power developed by the fuels become evident. Comparisons at ground level were omitted to avoid any possibility of damaging the engine by operating with open throttle on gasoline at so high a compression. The fuel consumption per unit power based on weight, not volume, averaged more than 10 per cent greater with hecter than with x gasoline. The thermal efficiency of the engine when using hecter is less than when using gasoline, particularly at higher speeds. A generalization of the difference for all altitudes and speeds being 8 per cent. A general deduction from these facts is that more hecter is exhausted unburnt. Hecter can withstand high compression pressures and temperature without preignition. (author).
Comparison of United States and British Standard Pitot-Static Tubes
The results shown in this report give a comprehensive comparison of the accuracy of United States and British standard pitot tubes.
Construction of Models for Tests in Wind Tunnels
Report deals with the methods of constructing aerofoils and all other parts of a model airplane, including discussion of the degree of accuracy.
Development of Air Speed Nozzles
Report describes the development of a suitable speed nozzle for the first few thousand airplanes made by the United States during the recent war in Europe, and to furnish a basis for more mature instruments in the future. Requirements for the project were to provide a suitable pressure collector for aircraft speed meters and to develop a speed nozzle which would be waterproof, powerful, unaffected by slight pitch and yaw, rugged and easy to manufacture, and uniform in structure and reading, so as not to require individual calibration.
Effect of Altitude on Radiator Performance
As an airplane rises to high altitudes the decrease in the density and the temperature of the air have important effects on the performance of the radiator. This report gives the results of a study of the effect of reduced pressure and temperature upon the capacity of airplane radiators. A method is presented by which the performance of a radiator at an altitude may be estimated for a particular speed of the airplane at a particular altitude.
The Effect of Kiln Drying on the Strength of Airplane Woods
This report is a very complete treatise on the comparative strength of air and kiln dried wood. The series of tests includes 26 species of wood, approximately 100 kiln runs, and over 10,000 mechanical tests.
Effect of Temperature and Pressure on the Sparking Voltage
This report presents the results of an investigation which was to determine how the voltage necessary to produce the proper spark discharge varies with the pressure and temperature of the gas in which the discharge takes place.
The Efficiency of Small Bearings in Instruments of the Type Used in Aircraft
This report deals with the construction and properties of bearings and pivots for use in instruments. The static and running friction for both thrust and radial loads was determined for a number of conical pivots and cylindrical and ball bearings. The static rocking friction was also measured for several conical and ball bearings under a heavy load, especially to determine their suitability for use in N. P. L. (National Physical Laboratory) type wind tunnel balance.
Experimental Research on Air Propellers, 3
Report presents the results of wind tunnel tests of propellers that examined the influence of the following characteristics: (1) nominal pitch ratio 1.3 combined with a certain number of the more common or standard forms and proportions; (2) driving face slightly rounded or convex; (3) change in the location of the maximum thickness ordinate of the blade section; (4) pushing forward the leading edge of the blade, thus giving a rounded convex surface on the leading side of the driving face. (5) a series of values for the constant "angle of attack" in forming propellers with radially increasing pitch. In accordance with these purposes tests were carried out on 28 propellers.
Fabric Fastenings
The study of aeronautical fabrics has led to a consideration of the best methods of attaching and fastening together such materials. This report presents the results of an investigation upon the proper methods of attaching fabrics to airplane wings. The methods recommended in this report have been adopted by the military services.
The Ferrosilicon Process for the Generation of Hydrogen
Report describes the generation of hydrogen by the reaction between ferrosilicon, sodium hydroxide, and water. This method known as the ferrosilicon method is especially adapted for use in the military field because of the relatively small size and low cost of the generator required to produce hydrogen at a rapid rate, the small operating force required, and the fact that no power is used except the small amount required to operate the stirring and pumping machinery. These advantages make it possible to quickly generate sufficient hydrogen to fill a balloon with a generator which can be transported on a motor truck. This report gives a summary of the details of the ferrosilicon process and a critical examination of the means which are necessary in order to make the process successful.
Fuselage Stress Analysis
Report analyzes the stresses in a fuselage of the built-up type in which the shear is taken by diagonal bracing wires. Tests are conducted for landing, flying, and thrust loads.
Glues Used in Airplane Parts
This report was prepared for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and presents the results of investigations conducted by the Forest Products Laboratory of the United States Forest Service on the manufacture, preparation, application, testing and physical properties of the different types of glues used in wood airplane parts.
Head Resistance Due to Radiators
Part 1 deals with the head resistance of a number of common types of radiator cores at different speeds in free air, as measured in the wind tunnel at the bureau of standards. Part 2 gives the results of wind tunnel tests of resistance on a model fuselage with a nose radiator. Part 3 presents the results of preliminary tests of head resistance of a radiator enclosed in a streamlined casing.
Heat Energy of Various Ignition Sparks
"This report describes a method developed at the Bureau of Standards for measuring the total energy liberated as heat in a spark gap by an ignition system. Since this heat energy is obtained from the electromagnetic energy stored in the windings of the magneto or coil, it is a measure of the effectiveness of the device as an electric generator" (p. 3).
Investigation of the Muffling Problem for Airplane Engines
The experimentation presented in this report falls in two divisions: first, the determination of the relation between back pressure in the exhaust line and consequent power loss, for various combinations of speed and throttle positions of the engine; second, the construction and trial of muffler designs covering both type and size. Report deals with experiments in the development of a muffler designed on the principle which will give the maximum muffling effect with a minimum loss of power. The main body of the work has been done on a Curtiss OX eight-cylinder airplane engine, 4 by 5 inches, rated 70 horsepower at 1,200 revolutions per minute.
A New Process for the Production of Aircraft-Engine Fuels
Report describes experiments conducted on a new method of producing high-grade aviation gasoline at a test laboratory established at Charleston, W. Va. For the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Nomenclature for Aeronautics
Report defines the principal terms which have come into use in the development of aeronautics. It was prepared in cooperation with a committee engaged upon a similar undertaking in Great Britain. As a result this nomenclature is in substantial agreement with the one which has been adopted by the aeronautical authorities of Great Britain.
The Parker Variable Camber Wing
This report deals with the problem of increasing the speed range of an airplane by varying the camber of a wing surface. The variable camber wing offers many advantages over the variable incidence type of speed range.
Performance of a 300-horsepower Hispano-Suiza airplane engine
The National Bureau of Standards tested a 300-horsepower Hispano-Suiza engine to determine the characteristic performance of the engine at various altitudes. The engine was operated at the ground, at 25,000 feet, and at intermediate altitudes, both at full loads similar to those that would be imposed upon the engine at various speeds by a propeller whose normal full-load speed was 1,800 r.p.m. Friction horsepower also was determined in order that the mechanical efficiency of the engine might be calculated.
Power Characteristics of Fuels for Aircraft Engines
Report presents the summation of results obtained in the testing of fuels of various compositions and characteristics in the altitude laboratory. The data upon which this report is based has had an important influence upon the writing of specifications for the various grades of aviation fuels.
Preliminary Report on Free Flight Tests
Results are presented for a series of tests made by the Advisory Committee's staff at Langley Field during the summer of 1919 with the objectives of determining the characteristics of airplanes in flight and the extent to which the actual characteristics differ from those predicted from tests on models in the wind tunnel, and of studying the balance of the machines and the forces which must be applied to the controls in order to maintain longitudinal equilibrium.
Properties and Preparation of Ceramic Insulators for Spark Plugs
Report describes in detail the preliminary experiments which were made on the conductivity of spark-plug insulators in order to develop a satisfactory comparative method for testing various spark-plug materials. Materials tested were cements, porcelain, feldspar, and quartz.
Results of Tests on Radiators for Aircraft Engines
Part 1 is to present the results of tests on 56 types of core in a form convenient for use in the study of the performance of and possible improvements in existing designs. Working rules are given by which the data contained in the report may be used, and the most obvious conclusions as to the behavior of cores are summarized. Part 2 presents the results of tests made to determine the pressure necessary to produce water flows up to 50 gallons per minute through an 8-inch square section of radiator core. These data are of special value in evaluating the hydraulic head against which the circulating pump is required to operate.
Self-Luminous Materials
Report outlines specifications for the preparation and application of self-luminous materials to be used for the illumination of various instruments, especially those used for aeronautics.
Slip-Stream Corrections in Performance Computation
This report is an analysis of experiments performed by Eiffel on the air velocity in slip stream of a propeller, and also includes a theoretical discussion of the magnitude of the velocity in different propellers.
Spark Plug Defects and Tests
The successful operation of the spark plug depends to a large extent on the gas tightness of the plug. Part 1 of this report describes the method used for measuring the gas tightness of aviation spark plugs. Part 2 describes the methods used in testing the electrical conductivity of the insulation material when hot. Part 3 describes the testing of the cold dielectric strength of the insulation material, the resistance to mechanical shock, and the final engine test.
Stability of the Parachute and Helicopter
This report deals with an extension of the theory of stability in oscillation to the case of aircraft following a vertical trajectory, and particularly to the oscillations of parachutes.
The Strength of One-Piece Solid, Build-Up and Laminated Wood Airplane Wing Beams
The purpose of this report is to summarize the results of all wood airplane wing beams tested to date in the Bureau of Standards Laboratory in order that the various kinds of wood and methods of construction may be compared. All beams tested were of an I section and the majority were somewhat similar in size and cross section to the front wing beam of the Curtiss JN-4 machine. Construction methods may be classed as (1) solid beams cut from solid stock; (2) three-piece beams, built up of three pieces, web and flanges glued together by a tongue-and-groove joint and (3) laminated beams built up of thin laminations of wood glued together.
The Structure of Airplane Fabrics
This report prepared by the Bureau of Standards for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics supplies the necessary information regarding the apparatus and methods of testing and inspecting airplane fabrics.
A Study of Airplane Engine Tests
This report is a study of the results obtained from a large number of test of an Hispano-Suiza airplane engine in the altitude laboratory of the Bureau of Standards. It was originally undertaken to determine the heat distribution in such an engine, but many other factors are also considered as bearing on this matter.
A Study of Airplane Ranges and Useful Loads
This report is an analysis of the maximum flight radii of typical large airplanes and a discussion of the way in which the possible length of flight is affected by the change of weight by consumption of fuel during the flight.
The Subsidiary Gap as a Means for Improving Ignition
This report presents the results of an investigation into the utility, action, and design of the auxiliary spark gap as a means for insuring freedom from spark plug failure due to fouling, and also to enable the restarting of fouled plugs. A brief account is given of the use of this gap up to the present time and also of the statements concerning it which have gained some currency, most of which are shown to be erroneous. The simple theory of the action of the series gap is discussed and a detailed account given of the effect upon the sparking ability of the plug produced by changes in the values of the electrical resistance of the fouling and of the capacities in parallel with the plug and with the magneto or coil.
Supplies and Production of Aircraft Woods
The purpose of this report is to present in brief form such information as is available regarding the supplies of the kinds of wood that have been used or seem likely to become important in the construction of airplanes, and the amount of lumber of each species normally put on the market each year. A general statement is given of the uses to which each kind of wood is or may be put.
Synopsis of Aeronautic Radiator Investigations for Years 1917 and 1918
Extensive series of experiments have been conducted at the Bureau of Standards to determine the properties of cooling radiator cores manufactured for airplanes and to develop improvements in design. The analysis of the problem on which this work was based, and consequently the experimental method employed, is different from that commonly used. Instead of attempting to test complete radiators, either full size or in model, uniform sections representing different types of core construction have been tested and an analysis of the results made with a view to determining independently the various factors which influence its performance. This report describes referenced method of analysis in predicting the performance of radiators designed for aeronautic use.
Testing Balloon Gas
Report describes a simple, portable apparatus for testing hydrogen, with special reference to its use in balloons. "In the generation, storage, and use of hydrogen for balloon purposes it is necessary to be able to determine, first, its lifting power, and, secondly, its purity. The lifting power may be determined directly from the specific gravity. Contamination by other gases may be determined by analysis for oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc., by the usual methods of gas analysis" (p. 469).
The Testing of Balloon Fabrics
Report describes methods and materials used in waterproofing and fireproofing airplane fabrics using dopes. The determination of the probable life of a balloon fabric in service by experimental means is of great value in choosing the most suitable fabrics for a given purpose and in pointing the way to improvements in compounding and construction. The usefulness of exposure to the weather for this purpose has been amply demonstrated.
Wind Tunnel Balances
Report embodies a description of the balance designed and constructed for the use of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics at Langley Field, and also deals with the theory of sensitivity of balances and with the errors to which wind tunnel balances of various types are subject.
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