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Note: All results matching your query require you to be a member of the UNT Community (you must be on campus or login with university credentials for access).
Tribulations of Saint Anthony
No Description Available.
A still life of currency, stamps, and a photograph with a painted frame.
Mont Sainte-Victoire
No Description Available.
Young Peasants Feeding a Fire
The painting depicts in the foreground two people feeding a fire with small sticks and twigs. In the distance are three cows. The style is pointillist.
Young Peasants Feeding a Fire
In this painting detail, the peasants are shown and the pattern of points of color are clearly visible in this detail.
Boston Public Library
Beaux-Arts, Overall view of E Façade
Boston Public Library
Beaux-Arts, Closer view of E Façade with arcade and entrance
Boston Public Library
Beaux-Arts, Close-up view of E entrance arcade with sculpture, surface treatment, iron gate
Boston Public Library
Beaux-Arts, Overall view of N Façade with later addition
Boston Public Library
Beaux-Arts, N Façade detail showing surface treatment
Boston Public Library
Beaux-Arts, View of Courtyard with colonnade
The Royal Arms Jubilant
Queen Victoria, a lion picking his teeth, a unicorn, coat of arms, champagne, flags, meat on a platter, seascape, boats in the distance are all pictured in this satirical cartoon from the weekly magazine, St. Stephen's Review.
Queen Victoria Statue at Windsor Castle
The over life-size statue of Queen Victoria stands outside the Round Tower at Windsor Castle.
Queen Victoria Statue at Windsor Castle
The statue of Queen Victoria is seen with Windsor Castle in the background.
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