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[Adjunct Temple]
Photograph of an adjunct temple in the Yakushiji Temple Complex of Nara, Japan. In the foreground, two stone lanterns (ishidoros) are visible. The temple is visible behind the lanterns. Trees are visible in the right background.
[Bamboo exhibit]
Photograph of a bamboo exhibit in Kyoto, Japan. The image is lined with sticks of bamboo organized by type.
[Bamboo fence]
Photograph of a bamboo fence at the Kiyomizu Pottery Community in Kyoto, Japan. A plant is visible in the bottom foreground in front of the fence.
[Bamboo fence]
Photograph of the Chinzan-so Garden in Tokyo, Japan. In the foreground, a bamboo fence is visible. The hill slopes down towards trees in the background.
[Bamboo roof]
Photograph of the Chinzan-so Garden in Tokyo, Japan. In the foreground, a bamboo roof is visible. Trees are visible in the background.
[Bicycle parking]
Photograph of bicycle parking in Tokyo, Japan. A row of bikes leads from foreground to background. A pedestrian walkway is visible to the right of the bicycle parking. The walkway passes rows of shops.
[Cambridge, England]
Photograph of a building in Cambridge, England. The side interior angle of the building is visible in the foreground. A green lawn and stone pathways are visible in front of the building facade.
[Ceiling Painting]
Photograph of a ceiling painting in process at the Yakushiji Temple in Nara, Japan. The painting rests against a wall in the right foreground. A doorway is visible in the foreground leading to an outdoor sink. The green landscape is visible in the background.
Photograph of a cemetery in Ireland. In the foreground, grave markers are visible. The cemetery is positioned next to a church which is partially visible on the left side. People walk amongst the graves in the background.
Photograph of a cemetery in Ireland. In the foreground, graves are scattered amongst surrounding greenery. A lake and hills are visible in the background.
[Ceramic figures]
Photograph of ceramic figures for sale in Shigaraki, Japan. Rows of figures small to large are visible in the foreground. The figures are on sale outside of a store. The figures depict bears, turtles, frogs, and men wearing green robes.
[Children's street fair]
Photograph of a children's street fair in Kyoto, Japan. A street is visible in the foreground leading into the background.. The street is decorated with white scrolls hung from the buildings. Two children are visible in the foreground playing with a drum.
[Chinzan-so Garden]
Photograph of the Chinzan-so Garden in Tokyo, Japan. Plants and trees are visible in the foreground. A bamboo roof and an orange sign are visible in the foreground. Another roof is visible in the background.
[Chinzan-so Garden]
Photograph of the Chinzan-so Garden in Tokyo, Japan. A large tree is visible in the foreground on a hill. A building is visible at the bottom of the hill surrounded by greenery.
[Chinzan-so Garden]
Photograph of the Chinzan-so Garden in Tokyo, Japan. In the foreground, trees and bushes are visible. A pagoda is visible in the background.
[Chinzan-so Garden]
Photograph of the Chinzan-so Garden in Tokyo, Japan. A garden path is visible in the foreground. A wooden bench is visible on the path leading to a small building. The path and building are surrounded by greenery.
[Church Ruins]
Photograph of church ruins in Ireland. Two remaining arches of the church are visible in the left foreground. A tower rises out of the wall to the right.
[Church Ruins from Above}
Photograph of church ruins in Ireland. The ruins are viewed from above. The top circular window and three lower arches are visible in the foreground. A stone wall surrounding grass is visible behind the church. A road and more grass is visible in the background beyond the wall.
[City house]
Photograph of a house in the city of Kyoto, Japan. In the foreground, a black metal fence is visible in front of the house exterior wall. A window sticks out from the wall in the center foreground. The wall is made of wood and stone and topped with a tile roof.
[City House]
Photograph of a house in the city of Kyoto, Japan. The outer gate of the house is visible in the foreground. Behind the gate, trees are visible in front of the house.
[Clay sculpture]
Photograph of a the yard at the Kiyomizu Pottery Community in Kyoto, Japan. A clay sculpture is visible in the foreground in front of piles of wood. A chain link fence is visible in the background. Numerous people wait behind the fence.
[Climbing kiln]
Photograph of a climbing kiln in Shigaraki, Japan. In the foreground, a low overhang shades the kiln. The kiln body is visible under the wooden roof. Light from outside is visible in the background.
[Climbing kiln]
Photograph of a climbing kiln in Shigaraki, Japan. A section of the kiln is visible in the foreground underneath a wooden roof. A hole in the kiln wall is visible in the center foreground.
[Coffee Shop]
Photograph of a coffee shop in Tokyo, Japan. The shop is visible in the foreground. Numerous signs and displays are visible outside of the shop.
[Community building]
Photograph of the Kiyomizu Pottery Community building in Kyoto, Japan. The side of the building is visible in the foreground. Tree branches and a bush intersect the foreground. A concrete lantern and a white scroll are visible outside of the building.
Photograph of a construction area at the Yakushiji Temple in Nara, Japan. In the foreground, wood constructions are visible. An arm is visible in the top right of the frame. Legs are visible through the opening in the bottom left corner.
[Construction site]
Photograph of a house under construction in Shigaraki, Japan. The side of the house is visible in the foreground. A white truck and a pile of dirt sit in front of the house. The roof is complete but the walls are not finished on the house. A workman is visible on the second story through the house frame.
[Covered Wagons]
Photograph of three covered wagons in Ireland. Tree branches and weeds are visible in the foreground. Three colorful wagons sit in a field in the middle ground. The landscape and a body of water are visible in the background.
Photograph of a street scene in Kyoto, Japan. In the foreground, shops line the street. Two cyclists are visible in the center of the street next to a parked car. Walkers in yellow hats are visible in the background.
[Dirt road]
Photograph of a dirt road in Shigaraki, Japan. The dirt road is visible in the center foreground leading into the background. The road is lined with buildings and a grassy embankment. A smokestack and more buildings are visible up the hill in the background.
[Distant View of Hampton Court]
Photograph of Hampton Court in London, England. The photograph was taken from a vehicle from a good distance away from the castle. Another vehicle is visible in the right foreground. The road lined with trees stretches into the background. Hampton Court is visible in the far distance.
Photograph of doors in the Chinzan-so Garden in Tokyo, Japan. Dark wooden doors are visible in the foreground. A white sign with with writing is visible in the bottom left foreground.
[Farm House]
Photograph of a farm house in Ireland. The house is visible in the right foreground next to an empty field. More fields and trees are visible in the background beyond the house.
Photograph of a fence at the Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto, Japan. In the foreground, a concrete fence sits perpendicular to a bamboo and straw fence. The fences border a gravel road. Trees are visible in the background behind the fences.
[Finishing touches]
Photograph of a pottery workshop in Shigaraki, Japan. In the foreground, a craftsman puts the finishing touches on a large vessel. The workshop is visible behind the man.
[Flower boxes]
Photograph of a building facade in Cambridge, England. Two windows lined with ivy are visible. A flower box sits below each window and a row of flowers on the ground below.
[Garden hillside]
Photograph of a hill in the Chinzan-so Garden in Tokyo, Japan. The hillside is visible in the foreground. A building is visible behind the hill. The building is covered in vines.
[Garden marker]
Photograph of the Chinzan-so Garden in Tokyo, Japan. A concrete marker is visible in the foreground surrounded by greenery.
[Garden path]
Photograph of the Kiyomizu Pottery Community in Kyoto, Japan. A garden path is visible in the foreground. The pathway is lined by bamboo on the right side and a building on the left side.
[Garden rock]
Detail photograph of a rock garden in the Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto, Japan. A large rock is visible in the center foreground. Another rock is visible in the background in front of the rock border.
[Garden structure]
Photograph of a wooden structure in the Chinzan-so Garden of Tokyo, Japan. The wooden structure is visible in the foreground. Greenery is visible in the background.
Graz. (face in water)
No Description Available.
[Gymnasium structure]
Photograph of the Yoyogi National Gymnasium in Tokyo, Japan. The structural architecture of the gymnasium is visible in the foreground. The gymnasium was designed by Kenzo Tange.
[Hampton Court]
Photograph of Hampton Court Palace in London, England. In the foreground, a group of women is visible walking along a stone path adjacent to a green lawn. The gatehouse is visible in the background along with other adjoining buildings.
[Hampton Court Palace]
Photograph of an archway of the Hampton Court Palace in London, England. In the foreground, an archway is visible covered in vines. Through the archway, a road and small building are visible.
Photograph of a hearse in Hiroshima, Japan. The hearse is visible in the foreground driving across a bridge. The city of Hiroshima is visible in the background.
[Heian Shrine]
Photograph of the Heian Shrine in Kyoto, Japan. The shrine is visible in the left foreground. A person walks by the shrine. Another building and trees are visible in the background.
[Heian Shrine]
Photograph of the Heian Shrine in Kyoto, Japan. Two bushes are visible in the bottom foreground. The shrine is visible behind the bushes.
[Heian Shrine]
Photograph of the Heian Shrine in Kyoto, Japan. The front of a building is visible in the foreground. A covered stairway is partially visible in the right foreground. The building has a black tile roof.
[Heian Shrine Garden]
Photograph of the Heian Shrine Garden in Kyoto, Japan. The roof of an open building is visible in the foreground. The roof arches as well as the wooden beams underneath. Tree branches intersect the frame in the foreground.
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