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Brief Artist Statement by Jihye Han as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "11,009km” at the Goldmark Cultural Center in Dallas, TX on April 9-May 7, 2021.
The Agency of Water
The Agency of Water is an exhibition that explores the agency of water. I perceive water as a moving, living organism. Evidence of water’s agency can be seen in carved out underground caves, natural levees created by sediment depositions, and wind-driven flow. Through the lens of Post-Humanism and a decentered Anthropocene, I intend to explore the interconnected relationships between water, wind, and soil. Recognizing the agential capacities of these elements as a collaborator in my work decentralizes humans’ sovereignty as a singular actor in a world wherein nature shapes itself alongside human existence. This body of work reflects conversations between nature, myself, and the environment.
All Tarnation at the Chain-Link Gathering
Work of art sample video by artist Sean Lopez as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "The Always Girls and Forever Boys” at Sweet Pass Sculpture Park in Dallas, TX on April 17-18, 2021.
All Tarnation at the Chain-link Gathering
Work of art in Acrylic and Marker on Fabric by artist Sean Lopez as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "The Always Girls and Forever Boys” at Sweet Pass Sculpture Park in Dallas, TX on April 17-18, 2021.
All Tarnation at the Chain-link Gathering
Work of art, Video Still Image of superposition elements in the video artworks, combining drawing, performance, video, and projection, by artist Sean Lopez as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "The Always Girls and Forever Boys” at Sweet Pass Sculpture Park in Dallas, TX on April 17-18, 2021.
The Always Girls and Forever Boys
Brief Artist Statement by Sean Lopez as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "The Always Girls and Forever Boys” at Sweet Pass Sculpture Park in Dallas, TX on April 17-18, 2021.
The Always Girls and Forever Boys
Work of art in Screen Based Installation (video Projection) by artist Sean Lopez as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "The Always Girls and Forever Boys” at Sweet Pass Sculpture Park in Dallas, TX on April 17-18, 2021.
The Always Girls and Forever Boys
Work of art sample of Live Stream Recording of event, by artist Sean Lopez as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "The Always Girls and Forever Boys” at Sweet Pass Sculpture Park in Dallas, TX on April 17-18, 2021.
The Always Girls and Forever Boys
Work of art sample of Live Stream Recording of event, by artist Sean Lopez as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "The Always Girls and Forever Boys” at Sweet Pass Sculpture Park in Dallas, TX on April 17-18, 2021.
The Always Girls and Forever Boys
Work of art sample of Live Stream Recording of event, by artist Sean Lopez as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "The Always Girls and Forever Boys” at Sweet Pass Sculpture Park in Dallas, TX on April 17-18, 2021.
Analysis of the sculpture No Solid Form Can Contain You using Gloria Anzaldúa's Theory of Nepantla
This research project studies ways that space shapes identity by examining a contemporary sculpture using a multicultural theory. The author focuses on analyzing the role of physical space in the construction of cultural identity across time by studying Mariana Castillo-Deball’s No Solid Form Can Contain You (2010) through Gloria Anzaldua’s Nepantilism theory.
…And Still I Wander South
In my work, I explore the ancient occult concept of the egregore or collective thought-form and its continued relevance in contemporary life. One might not think of the systems that we operate in today as ritual in nature, especially those that utilize new technology. We may imagine cyberspace as the ultimate rational and objective realm where all things can be categorized, quantified, and monetized. However, it is a place saturated with ceremonial situations upon close inspection. I seek out these ceremonies of niche digital communities and reconstruct them in new forms operating adjacent to their original stream.
…and the Light was Blue
My background in fashion relied on the use of sewing machines as tools to create garments made of new materials. My current artmaking has evolved away from the body and functionality to become relief sculptures in cloth. This work is the embodiment of moments in time and space that have stopped me mid-stride, compelling me to closely examine the details. As a fine artist, I translate these observations of nature into my art by using a needle and thread to hand stitch on reclaimed cloth. I invite the viewers to pause, wonder, and think about their place in the world.
Angelfish Prayers
Artist Statement from the MFA Exhibition: "Through my art I strive to raise awareness towards the protection of the ocean. Plastic pollution, over-fishing, species extinction, and nuclear waste are some of the problems I symbolize in order to create conversations around the issues and do my part in starting a wave of change. The ocean is one interconnected circulatory system for our plane,t so anywhere that humans are abusing the oceans, it affects us all. I hope to remind people of the sacredness of the sea in order to help renew our reverence and respect for it."
Apron (detail)
Works of art on ceramic and mixed media by artist Amy Henson as part of a 2022 MFA exhibition, entitled "Maternalia" in the Cora Stafford Gallery South, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX 76201, from March 30 to April 2, 2022.
My artistic practice centers around personal history, connection, and identity. I reflect on my experience as a Nigerian who has lived on three continents thus far, and how those experiences have led to the deconstruction, reassembly, and hybridization of my identity. My work pays homage to my tribe of origin, Yoruba, whilst redefining and exploring the hybridity that exists as a result of cross-cultural influences that are prominent in our world today. I incorporate varying objects and materials such as jewelry, sculpture, wood, metal, and fiber. This integration speaks to the multicultural existence of the world I live in the interrelationship between Nigeria and the West.
Asepo Installation View
Asepo is a simulated domestic space that speaks to being a product of the hybridization of cultures, the sense of displacement and the need for belonging that comes with being a hybrid of sorts. The exhibition includes four sectors. The first is a bed with a floating headboard accompanied by projected imagery and sound. A performance takes place upon the bed. The second is a table with three accompanying wall-mounted pieces that connect to the table through symbolism. The third is a sculptural wooden diptych and the final sector is comprised of accessories.
at 27
An artwork titled "at 27" as part of 2024 MFA exhibition by artist Caroline Wilson, entitled "Touched and Loved and Worn" in the Paul Voertman Gallery North, North 1201 Mulberry St. Denton, TX from April 24 to April 27, 2024. Touched and Loved and Worn is an exhibition exploring contemporary material culture's meanings. Using clutter, craft materials, and kitsch aesthetics, the artist assesses how cultural identity and personal memory are established through the production and dissemination of objects.
Back to Normal
Works of art (installation view) by artist Aaron Pozos as part of a 2022 MFA exhibition, entitled "Bellows of the Beast" in the the Cora Stafford Gallery South, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX 76201, from March 30 to April 2, 2022.
Back to Normal
Works of art (installation view) by artist Aaron Pozos as part of a 2022 MFA exhibition, entitled "Bellows of the Beast" in the the Cora Stafford Gallery South, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX 76201, from March 30 to April 2, 2022.
Beauty Remains, Object Portraiture
Artist Statement from the MFA Exhibition: "This body of work contains digital photographs, sculptures and wallpapers to highlight a personal journey through motherhood. Traditionally, the roles of a new mother have been handed down from generation to generation. A mother teaches her daughter how to soothe her fussy infant, her domestic responsibilities, to maintain her feminine mystique. Though many of these traditions of mouth to ear to mouth familial heritage continue, today’s society inundated women with visual language to remind them that although they can challenge the traditions and their choice to participate, those same discarded ideals of how to act or perform will continue to tug at the shoulder. "
Artist's Statement from the MFA Exhibition: "Enshrouded ecological ubiquities unveil persistent, muted presences existing in neglected spaces as ghostly survivors of anthropogenic impositions upon land. Cobwebs and their remnants of animals hide secret conspiracies of resurrection, conjured speciations, and resilience amid destruction: a space emblematic of Anthropocenic and girlhood survival that further serves as a locus for an intimate intercross yielding a resuscitation and becoming-with animals. Symbiotic collaborations tangle an exchange of a short life able to survive deeper into the Anthropocene with a longer life that cannot survive it, birthing an evolution and conversion into a new hereafter species."
becoming Installation North Wall
An Installation of artwork on North wall by artist kate arrows enoire, entitled "becoming" in the North Cora Stafford Gallery 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX from April 24 to April 27, 2024. This artwork represents symbiotic collaborations tangle an exchange of a short life able to survive deeper into the Anthropocene with a longer life that cannot survive it, birthing an evolution and conversion into a new hereafter species.
Bellows of the Beast
My artwork uses the traditions of printmaking, photography, and fiber arts to dissect the myths, history, and current moment of American culture. My methodology includes photographing sites where governmental and capital power is most present. Photography is my tool for documenting the present, while quilting and printmaking are my way of reflecting on and digesting ideological concepts that are present in our culture. The quilt is a symbol of comfort in our personal ideologies. My work aims to destigmatize direct action and encourages the viewer to reevaluate how meaningful change can be made today.
Between Here and the Celestial
An artwork titled "Between Here and the Celestial" (No. 1) as a part of 2024 MFA Exhibition by artist Liz Markum, entitled "The Distance Between" in the Cora Stafford Gallery, North, UNT Art Building, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX from April 17 to April 20, 2024. "The Distance Between" is a collection of works installed as a temple of cicadas with the culmination of pieces enshrining the cycle of their annual emergence and disappearance.
Bewildering Genealogy
Artist Statement from the MFA Exhibition: "When I left my parents to venture out into the world alone, my white privilege was stripped. While my racial background is not white, I was raised by white parents who had two biological children. Being raised this way afforded me the comfort and ability to pass through life with little to no danger of being hurt, being granted permission to be anywhere I wanted, never shut out because of my color. I still have access to many of those things because I am still my parents' daughter. I am however increasingly aware of the color of skin and how I am perceived in the context of being on my own, a single, bi/asexual artist. I also learned of my membership in a club of other people of color that I didn’t know I belonged, small and yet furiously protective of its members. A language of nods, shrugs, and eye to eye glances are a part of the language of the club, our nonverbal communication that validates our presence in a white world. much of the work this group does involves teaching and explaining why we exist as a unit separate from the world of white people. Ultimately my hope is that this group would not have to exist if we were afforded the same rights as white people. Escapism has always been appealing to me. When I feel like I don’t belong I imagine what could be; a different version of myself, different person, or an altogether a different species. I often have wanted to be a whale or an otter. These animals are mammals, which in some sense is not a huge stretch from my existence as a mammal, but the urge to be an aquatic species is part of my escapist …
Big Softie
An artwork titled "Big Softie" (No. 4) as part of 2024 MFA exhibition by artist Caroline Wilson, entitled "Touched and Loved and Worn" in the Paul Voertman Gallery North, North 1201 Mulberry St. Denton, TX from April 24 to April 27, 2024. Touched and Loved and Worn is an exhibition exploring contemporary material culture's meanings. Using clutter, craft materials, and kitsch aesthetics, the artist assesses how cultural identity and personal memory are established through the production and dissemination of objects.
Big Softie
An artwork titled "Big Softie" (No. 1) as part of 2024 MFA exhibition by artist Caroline Wilson, entitled "Touched and Loved and Worn" in the Paul Voertman Gallery North, North 1201 Mulberry St. Denton, TX from April 24 to April 27, 2024. Touched and Loved and Worn is an exhibition exploring contemporary material culture's meanings. Using clutter, craft materials, and kitsch aesthetics, the artist assesses how cultural identity and personal memory are established through the production and dissemination of objects.
Big Softie
An artwork titled "Big Softie" (No. 2) as part of 2024 MFA exhibition by artist Caroline Wilson, entitled "Touched and Loved and Worn" in the Paul Voertman Gallery North, North 1201 Mulberry St. Denton, TX from April 24 to April 27, 2024. Touched and Loved and Worn is an exhibition exploring contemporary material culture's meanings. Using clutter, craft materials, and kitsch aesthetics, the artist assesses how cultural identity and personal memory are established through the production and dissemination of objects.
Big Softie
An artwork titled "Big Softie" (No. 3) as part of 2024 MFA exhibition by artist Caroline Wilson, entitled "Touched and Loved and Worn" in the Paul Voertman Gallery North, North 1201 Mulberry St. Denton, TX from April 24 to April 27, 2024. Touched and Loved and Worn is an exhibition exploring contemporary material culture's meanings. Using clutter, craft materials, and kitsch aesthetics, the artist assesses how cultural identity and personal memory are established through the production and dissemination of objects.
Works of art (Artist Book) by artist Aaron Pozos (Installation view) as part of a 2022 MFA exhibition, entitled "Bellows of the Beast" in the the Cora Stafford Gallery South, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX 76201, from March 30 to April 2, 2022.
An artwork titled "Botanic" as part of 2024 MFA exhibition by artist Brittney Hampton, entitled "Lure" in the Cora Stafford Gallery, North, UNT Art Building, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX 76201 from March 27 to March 30, 2024. "Lure" is an exploration of light, color, and space through an understanding of plique-à-jour and textile techniques. Textile techniques are combined with metal and enamel to create dynamic forms that reference the natural world without mimicking any organism specifically.
Brachaid is a collection of photographs that explore the blindness of our perspective that is informed by images. By photographing peripheral landscapes like wastewater processing facilities, the edges of temporary streams, and stormwater basins, the project uses the landscape and its perceived neutrality to foreground how the production of images constructs our perception. The work in Brachaid emphasizes the production of images, from subject and framing choices to the use of imaging software, to demonstrate that such production is regularly and radically obscured in most of the images we consume, and that this same structure exists in our lived reality.
Brick Wall (detail) #3
Works of art on image transfer onto hand-formed bricks by artist Kaitlin West as part of a 2022 MFA exhibition, entitled Constructed Self in the Cora Stafford Gallery South, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX 76201, from April 6 to 9, 2022.
Building Blocks
An artworks titled "Building Blocks" as part of 2024 MFA exhibition by artist Kristin Boyer, entitled "OK to Play" in the North Cora Stafford Gallery 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX from April 3 to April 6, 2024. OK to Play is an exhibition that explores the development of communication skills through objects and imagery related to play. Invented symbols inspired by English and Japanese letters along with animal characters form the basis of two- and three-dimensional artwork that conveys the joys and struggles of connecting with other people.
Work of art in Acrylic and Marker on Fabric by artist Sean Lopez as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "The Always Girls and Forever Boys” at Sweet Pass Sculpture Park in Dallas, TX on April 17-18, 2021.
Work of art sample video by artist Sean Lopez as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "The Always Girls and Forever Boys” at Sweet Pass Sculpture Park in Dallas, TX on April 17-18, 2021.
Work of art in Acrylic and Marker on Fabric by artist Sean Lopez as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "The Always Girls and Forever Boys” at Sweet Pass Sculpture Park in Dallas, TX on April 17-18, 2021.
An artwork titled "Cadence" as part of 2024 MFA exhibition by artist Kristin Boyer, entitled "OK to Play" in the North Cora Stafford Gallery 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX from April 3 to April 6, 2024. OK to Play is an exhibition that explores the development of communication skills through objects and imagery related to play. Invented symbols inspired by English and Japanese letters along with animal characters form the basis of two- and three-dimensional artwork that conveys the joys and struggles of connecting with other people.
Candalaria Paredes and Delores Martinez
My work explores my identity as a Latino, veteran, and father, and counteracts the lack of positive representation of men of color in society. While they are similar to traditional piñatas in their design and construction, my sculptures are based on abstract representations of my internalized identity. These anthropomorphic forms stand rather than being hung, enacting ownership over their space. This allows them to take on a newly assigned identity and presence. These forms allow me to display, articulate, and communicate. the struggles I have experienced throughout my life because of systemic oppression.
I carry it with me wherever I go
An artwork titled "I carry it with me wherever I go" (No. 2) as part of 2024 MFA exhibition by artist Caroline Wilson, entitled "Touched and Loved and Worn" in the Paul Voertman Gallery North, North 1201 Mulberry St. Denton, TX from April 24 to April 27, 2024. Touched and Loved and Worn is an exhibition that explores the meanings embedded in contemporary material culture. Using clutter, craft materials, and the aesthetics of kitsch, artist assesses how cultural identity and personal memory are established through the production and dissemination of objects.
Cerebral Play
Works of art on Wood, Acrylic, Vinyl by artist Felicia Jordan (detail shot of accompanying vinyl) as part of a 2022 MFA exhibition, entitled "Without/Within" in the Cora Stafford Gallery South, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX 76201, April 20 - 23, 2022.
Cerebral Play
Works of art on Wood, Acrylic, Vinyl by artist Felicia Jordan (detail shot of audience interaction) as part of a 2022 MFA exhibition, entitled "Without/Within" in the Cora Stafford Gallery South, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX 76201, April 20 - 23, 2022.
Cerebral Play
Works of art on Wood, Acrylic, Vinyl by artist Felicia Jordan (detail shot of puzzle 2) as part of a 2022 MFA exhibition, entitled "Without/Within" in the Cora Stafford Gallery South, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX 76201, April 20 - 23, 2022.
Cerebral Play
Works of art on Wood, Acrylic, Vinyl by artist Felicia Jordan (detail shot of puzzle 2) as part of a 2022 MFA exhibition, entitled "Without/Within" in the Cora Stafford Gallery South, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX 76201, April 20 - 23, 2022.
Close-Up of Dale Modeling Google Pajama Set
Works of art from artist's Google Chrome Search History from June-July 2021, digital print and machine embroidery on cotton, mannequin, vinyl, monitor, video of abstracted Google Chrome History, found text By artist Christine Drake-Thomas as part of a 2022 MFA exhibition, entitled "The Third-Party Pop-Up Shop" in the Cora Stafford Gallery South, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX 76201, from April 13th to 16th, 2022.
Close-Up of Instagram Crop Top
Works of art on mixed media by artist Christine Drake-Thomas as part of a 2022 MFA exhibition, entitled "The Third-Party Pop-Up Shop" in the Cora Stafford Gallery South, 1201 W Mulberry St, Denton, TX 76201, from April 13th to 16th, 2022.
Cobbled Sketchbook Page
Work of art of Ballpoint Pen by artist Jordan Black as part of a 2020 MFA Exhibition, entitled "Heeding the Underbelly"
Collection of Maps
Work of art in illustrated maps, inkjet prints by artist Maria Villanueva as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "Legend Systems: An Escape to a Hidden Land, ” in the Environmental Education, Science and Technology Building Atrium on the campus of the University of North Texas on March 1-5, 2021. MFA Exhibition, view from the stairs in the atrium.
Collection of Maps and Journal entries
Work of art in Journal entries, printed maps by artist Maria Villanueva as part of a 2021 MFA Exhibition, entitled "Legend Systems: An Escape to a Hidden Land, ” in the Environmental Education, Science and Technology Building Atrium on the campus of the University of North Texas on March 1-5, 2021. MFA Exhibition, view from the stairs in the atrium.
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